Plans to demolish vicarage to enable future development of site

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Prior approval is being sought for the demolition of St Chads vicarage.

A planning application (reference 22/3810M) has been submitted for the demolition of the vicarage on Sagars Road in Handforth, site clearance and construction of a new vicarage.

The plans are currently going through the process for approval by the diocese so they are not finalised yet. However, Rev Steve Burmester confirmed to that the plan being discussed is to build a new vicarage towards the right on the front lawn of the existing vicarage with another house alongside it. Then on the site of the existing vicarage another two, possibly three houses will be built.

Plans were previously submitted in November 2020 (planning reference 20/4461M) for the demolition of St Chads vicarage and construction of new vicarage building along with four houses on Sagars Road in Handforth.

The scheme included a pair of semi-detached houses, with three bedrooms each, along with two 4 bedroom detached houses. The new vicarage would also four bedrooms and a total of 14 parking spaces would be provided.

The initial application was never determined. A decision is expected for the revised plans (22/3810M) by October 23rd 2022.

St Chads