Wilmslow High students celebrate impressive set of results

Students at Wilmslow High School are celebrating their impressive A-Level and BTEC results which have been achieved in remarkable circumstances.

Wilmslow High School students were awarded grades above the national average with the proportion of A* grades being 22% compared with the national figure of 19%, while the results at grade A and above were at 55% compared with the national figure of 44%.

This pattern can also be seen at grade B and higher where the figure for Wilmslow High School is 81% compared with the national figure of 70%.

Headteacher James Pullé said "So today will bring joy and delight to the many young people whose results will meet their hopes and enable them to take the next step onto the courses, apprenticeships or employment opportunities that they have been preparing for.

"We share their excitement and offer our congratulations.

"We also thank our young people for all that they have contributed and achieved during their time at Wilmslow and we give them our best wishes for the future."

A Levels, Wilmslow High School


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Terry Roeves
Tuesday 10th August 2021 at 1:42 pm
Great news for so many fine students - congratulations. You do yourselves and your teachers great credit. Ever onward and upward!