New member needed for Handforth Parish Council


Handforth Parish Council (HPC) currently has a vacancy for a parish councillor in the South Ward and is looking for a local resident to join the team.

The vacancy arose following the resignation of Barry Burkhill from his parish council seat in May.

A vacancy notice was displayed on the HPC website and Handforth noticeboards along with an article being published on, however there was no call for a by election following the requisite 14 day notice period so the Parish Council are now free to co-opt a new member.

Ashley Comiskey Dawson, Clerk to Handforth Parish Council, said "Ideally the Parish Council will welcome an application from anyone in Handforth who is interested in becoming a councillor and is willing to give their time freely to attend meetings and get involved with community activities and work for the benefit of all residents of Handforth."

If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor send an email or letter to the Parish Clerk by Monday 5th July with a completed Co-option and Eligibility Application Form which is available from the website or the Parish Clerk.

Handforth Parish Council