Reader's Letter: Can you help us to plant trees in Wilmslow?

Turkey Oak

The tree and woodland group at Transition Wilmslow are looking for more sites for their tree planting projects - helping make Wilmslow a more pleasant place to be, encouraging biodiversity, mitigating floods and air pollution, and reducing global heating. If you share our aims and own, or know an individual or organisation who owns a site where they might like to see trees planted-we can help.

We are working with Cheshire Wildlife Trust and the councils to help develop projects on verges, in parks, at schools and on council land, and would like to see more projects on land privately owned by individuals or organisations. If you can help please email: [email protected]



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Chris Neill
Sunday 14th February 2021 at 8:46 am
This is great, and with the recovery of the peat areas, we are really on the right track. What about the special piece of land opposite the Chilli Banana, back of the police station. It’s now an abandoned mess , and it’s scruffy surrounds are not very welcoming. When you walk around the town, it looks shabby, closed shops and untended areas. A lot can be done with the verges and hedges to improve the quality, as well as the carbon footprint. It’s disappointing to see vehicles mash up a well tendered grass verge just to drop off a parcel somewhere to save a 1 minute walk.
The closed shops are a sign of the times, but if the town was improved with transition Wilmslow taking a lead, then we would be better placed to encourage visitors, shoppers and diners as well as raise the standard and quality of our fragile environment. Good wishes to all those involved in this as well as all of the residents who try and do their bit.
Mark Goldsmith
Tuesday 16th February 2021 at 4:13 pm
Hi Chris

The green area opposite Chilli Banana and next to the police station is called Little Lindow.

Yes, it is underused and unloved, which is a wasted opportunity as it is so close to the town centre. However, I am working with Cheshire East's ANSA Parks to completely revamp this area and turn it into a green space everyone can use, with a much improved play area for children too.

We are just obtaining final quotes, so I hope to announce something in the coming months once all the funding is agreed.

Cllr Mark Goldsmith
Residents of Wilmslow
Wilmslow West & Chorley
Cheshire East & Wilmslow Town Council
Chris Neill
Wednesday 17th February 2021 at 7:54 am
Thanks Mark,
That is really great news. All these small, but precious places add up to the success of the whole aspect of Wilmslow town , making it a better and healthier place to be, much appreciated,
David Smith
Thursday 18th February 2021 at 8:11 am
How about all council land that is not being used at the moment and not particularly earmarked for anything in the future be turned over to woodland.
Included in this 'unused' land would be land that is planned for housing. We have enough houses round here and not enough trees anywhere.
It should also be a policy that when planning permission is sought to build on farmland it is refused and permission only given for creating woodland.
Once farming land, it should remain as farming land and 'farming' trees and natural habitat is a basic building block for saving the planet.