Cheshire East added to Covid-19 watchlist

Covid 19

Cheshire East Council, along with Cheshire West and Chester Council, has been added to the national Covid-19 watchlist as an 'area of concern' due the recent rise in cases - which means tougher restrictions could be introduced soon.

On Thursday, 30th September, the rate of infections exceeded 50 per 100,000 of population for the first time, which is the trigger point for the government to alter the borough's rating to red - the highest level of risk.

Every week Public Health England publishes a weekly list highlighting which areas are of greatest concern across the country, these are separated into "areas of concern", "areas of enhanced support", or "areas of intervention".

This week six areas were added to the national watchlist:

• Barrow-in-Furness

• Cheshire West and Chester

• Cheshire East

• Wakefield, West Yorkshire

• Rotherham. South Yorkshire

• Luton in Bedfordshire (re-added)

Whilst Spelthorne in Surrey and Hertsmere in Hertfordshire have both been removed from the watchlist.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Raymond James Wallace
Thursday 8th October 2020 at 5:31 pm
We will have to learn to live with Covid19 as it could be around for a while, but we all need to do our bit in keeping each other safe. My concern at the moment is the amount of discarded face masks I tend to see scattered about. If any article is going to be infected surely masks must be No.1.
John Duckworth
Friday 9th October 2020 at 8:52 am
People who are already abiding by the COVID 19 rules are already aware of the consequences of none compliance.

People who do not comply should be brought to task we need a PCSO presence, I visit the town centre at different times during the day and have not seen a PCSO all week where are they ? I did see one some time ago checking for parked cars down Grove Avenue - surely they should have a set route - put them on bikes, they can then cover a larger area quickly.

Outside Sainsburys (School childred old enough to know better in groups) the Carrs and the town centre, there should always be a presence, outside events like the Artisan market should not be allowed, this brings in people from outside the area,which increases the risk.

Not just in Wilmslow but the entire country could be closed down by the minority !


Jon Armstrong
Friday 9th October 2020 at 11:12 am
Of course they know the rules. They just don't care about following them or the potential impact of not following them.
Fiona Doorbar
Friday 9th October 2020 at 4:09 pm
Do you honestly believe that students spend their school day 2 metres apart ?! Do you think that shop workers , kitchen and office staff can stay 2 metres apart?!
The schools and employers are doing their very best in an impossible situation imo.
John Duckworth
Friday 9th October 2020 at 6:58 pm
To Fiona Doorbar

If you are responding to my post, I was not refering to what occurs in the class room, offices and the like. I was refering to being out and about in Wilmslow and in parks.

Should you not have been responding to my post then I am sorry.
Mark Russell
Saturday 10th October 2020 at 11:39 am
A few facts. Average age of a English citizen at death, 82. Average age of English citizen died from covid.......82. Number of pneumonia deaths 2020, approx 300. Normal deaths per year, over 12000. Why is no one dieing of pneumonia this year? Just think about it????? So people are dieing at the average age. We also know the stats are being fudged. Wake up people, We need to stop this nonsense. Get everyone back to work, let vulnerable self isolate if they wish. We are killing our society for what????? It’s not nice, but the only guarantee is that we die. And if the avg age of covid deaths is the average age of all deaths, then why is the government scaring us into changing our lives so drastically??

One stat that will change is number of suicides because this group of mp’s are ruining peoples lives. It’s a national disaster.
Jon Armstrong
Saturday 10th October 2020 at 12:13 pm
Those figures are simply untrue.

An ONS report published only 2 days ago says that 13,619 people have died of pneumonia between 1 January and 31 August this year.

The same report shows that, while the pneumonia cases are lower than the five year average each month this year, the difference in no way accounts for the number of COVID-19 deaths. It also shows that this lower rate has been at a roughly similar ratio to the 5 year average in every month of the year so far, including those months at the beginning of the year before the COVID-19 pandemic began.