Parents of Cheshire East school children received confirmation of the allocation of secondary school places earlier this month.
The Council worked with local schools to offer preference places to 96.5 per cent of Cheshire East residents with 90 per cent offered their first preference of secondary school, compared to 94 per cent last year.
However, figures obtained via a Freedom of Informatin Request showed that of the total number who requested Wilmslow High School as their first choice only 84.3%% were successful, with 62 students losing out.
Wilmslow High School had 345 places to allocate for the academic year beginning September 2019, up from 330 last year, but the total number of applications for places at the school was 545.
Of the 345 places allocated, 335 went to those who made Wilmslow High their first choice.
A total of 74 second preference requests were made for the school and 37 third choice requests.
The school borders other local authorities and in total there were 77 applications from people living outside of Cheshire East.
Due to the high number of applications in the north of the borough, a decision was taken by Cheshire East Council to request admission to some schools above the Published Admission Number. Wilmslow High School was one of these schools and as a result 345 places have been allocated, rather than the Published Admission Number of 300.
A spokesperson for Cheshire East Council said "As places are declined, for example, by pupils who will be attending an Independent school it is expected that some pupils who did not receive an offer on 1st March will receive an offer of a place at Wilmslow High School in advance of moving to secondary school in September 2019."
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