Organisers of Wilmslow Parkrun are launching 5k Your Way, inviting people to join them once a month at a 5K Your Way, Move Against Cancer parkrun.
This community-based initiative encourages those living with and beyond cancer, families, friends and those working in cancer services to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month.
Tony Collier, runner and Secretary of Styal Running Club, explained "I am on my own personal cancer journey and when I heard about 5k Your Way I took it to the core team at Wilmslow Parkrun to see if they would support me in making Wilmslow the first Parkrun in Greater Manchester to have a 5k Your Way and I got a resounding yes. I therefore became an ambassador for 5k Your Way and we launch at Wilmslow on the final Saturday in February, 23rd."
The aims of 5k Your Way, Move Against Cancer are:
o To provide a monthly support network for those living with and beyond cancer by encouraging participation at a local parkrun the last Saturday of every month.
o To build friendships.
o To encourage participation in physical activity.
o To improve confidence and self-esteem.
o To promote skill development, especially through volunteering.
o To encourage participation in local parkruns, and other physical activity opportunities, independently of 5k Your Way.
o To reduce social isolation and connect with already existing community groups.
o To encourage health care professionals to signpost patients and carers to parkrun as a way of improving health and wellbeing.
o To encourage increased participation in physical activity by health care professionals involved in cancer care.
Tony added " I see this as very much a support community and the two most important things are that the vast majority of participants will be walking the Parkrun and we will then go for a coffee to get to know each other and build a support network."
All ages and abilities are encouraged and welcome to join the group on Saturday 23rd February, starting at 9am. You can walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer.
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