The decision on a discount retailer's controversial planning application to demolish a former gym and their existing store so they can replace it with a new larger store has been deferred again.
The Northern Planning Committee met today (Wednesday, 14th February) to consider Lidl's proposal to build a new foodstore at Summerfields, immediately adjacent to their existing store, for the second time. The site iwas occupied by the energi Fitness Club which closed its doors as the end of last year.
Five committee members voted for and five voted against deferral, so it was decided by the Chairman who had the casting vote.
Councillor Craig Browne, who sits on the Northern Planning Committee as Vice Chair, said "The reasons are to allow the officers to engage the applicant in further discussions with a view to them reducing the overall surface area of the store and to explore how this might enable CEC's parking standards to be met (currently the proposal does not provide for an adequate number of parking spaces)."
Lidl's application was deferred by the Northern Planning Committee on 6th December 2017 for further clarification on transport and highway implications; liaison with public health department regarding the loss of the gym; an air quality assessment and swimming pool data.
The Planning Officer had recommended that the Northern Planning Committee approve the application today, subject to conditions - stating "The proposal seeks to provide a replacement retail store on a site allocated for shopping purposes in the local plan. The comments received in representation have been fully considered. . It is evident that there is strong local opposition to the loss of the existing gym. However, it has been demonstrated for the purposes of planning policy that the existing fitness centre is surplus to requirements, given the availability of other indoor leisure facilities in the local area. The proposal is also in accordance with local and national retail planning policy. The proposal complies with all relevant policies of the development plan and is therefore a sustainable form of development. In accordance with policy MP1 of the CELPS, the application should therefore be approved without delay."
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
I recognise that car parking is a major issue and must be taken into account. What amazed me was that no reference was made to the fact that Halliwell Jones have an outstanding planning application for a new combined facility in Handforth which will result in the Mini showroom at Summerfields village becoming vacant.
Anyone who uses the shops at Summerfield village knows that the Mini dealership uses a huge number of car spaces (for reasons I have never understood) and has a major impact on car parking.
As soon as Halliwell Jones moves on, there will be ample car parking. I know I am assuming that there will not be a motor dealer willing to take on the site - but I am reasonably certain that even if they do, they will not be using the car park as a storage facility as Halliwell Jones appears to have been able to do.
A little bit of joined up thinking, linking the proposed Lidl development with the likelihood of the Mini showroom falling vacant would have been far more efficient and reflect the current reality.
Sitting in the meeting, I could only assume that relevant facts were being kept from the Councillors.
In fact, this is not the only place with no inspection for quite a few years in the area, and should be attended to, as they are the arbiters of public hygiene
You mention a certain drive through cafe on the Summerfields Village Halliwell Jones Mini site.
I guess it is probably sensitive but is that information about to come into the public domain ?
If it is, we wonder what the thoughts are of the residents in the large Jones Homes houses opposite?
No matter how effective the extraction, the smell will drift into their homes.
And there has got to be a difference between looking out a rows of smart cars and now potentially looking at customers eating fast fried food.
The planning officer appeared to attempt to manipulate the NPB members to reverse their decision after he had lost his arguments. Surely he should have been obliged to accept the NPB's decision, not tell them they had got it wrong.
Why did he act in this way?
One councillor stated that the planning officer's and Lidl's application data "didn't add up".
Residents were at the Cheshire East Nothern Planning Committee (NPC) meeting on 14th Feb. We witnessed it all first hand.
Like the application and the officer's recommendations, there's much which, as the councillor said "didn't add up" ?
Residents also noted that the Secretary of State has received a request to intervene on this application.
Interesting times ?
Given its position at the back of the carpark it may sit empty for years and will fall into dis repair and get vandalised. At the moment Lidl are owners and paying for security to protect the building. If Lidl pull the plug then we are sending out a message to all the squatters, gypsies and undesirables that there is a empty building in a great location. It will only be a matter of time before local people are crying out for the development.
Also I nearly fell off my chair when Lidl confirmed that this store at Summerfields Village Centre, would have a larger retail area than the new one at Macclesfield - which is within the town centre and with a larger immediate catchment area, but we are not to worry because it won't sell any new lines and it doesn't anticipate new customers!
Makes sense to me!
It’s a small retail park. I sincerely hope the anti anything mob have a serious rethink.
Your strategy isn’t working, you have failed at almost every hurdle. I’ll support you when you stop huffing and puffing at every single development!l
Whilst a large swathe of regular contributors continue to disapprove of everything from street design, bin collections, flat roofs, building heights, change of uses applications, car parking, traffic, coffee shops, restaurants, flats, car washes, retirement homes....blah blah.
Whilst at the same very time enjoying 5 bedroom homes with values in excess of +£700k...plonked on large leafy plots...backed in by 3 rather expensive cars on the immaculate resin drive! I’ll find time to respond!
Have a nice evening. Speak soon Jackie.
Very few of the addresses on the 415 email objections and 600 name petition come from what you describe as being :-
"5 bedroom homes with values in excess of +£700k"
Sorry Ryan but we are not sure what point you are trying to make.
I think the point Ryan is making (and is valid) certain members of the community complain about everything. You will never win an argument with the council if every application is constantly put down by the same ring leaders. You need to pick your fights, all the council will see is boy that cried wolf, and push them to one side. Even a broken watch is correct twice a day, but you wouldn't use it to tell the time would you?
Maybe if complaints were put in for the bigger developments, like stannylands (which is a joke), and the opening of a new litter bin were just ignored, perhaps the council would take more notice. Plus the people concerned would have more time to concentrate on the one issue, rather than spreading themselves around every application going. I totally understand we live in a democracy, and everybody has the right to complain, but people need to understand from time to time things happen in the area we may not like.
I couldnt give a monkeys about planning permission for a new house, even if its on my doorstep, but i would organise something if they wanted to concrete over the carrs. I know im using extremes but lets be real.
What is the council going to look at, a stack of papers/complaints about 30 different projects, or one complaint with 1000's of signatures?? I know what would worry me as a decision maker....
Residents (from all walks of life & post codes) were at the Cheshire East Northern Planning Committee (NPC) meeting on 14th Feb & we all witnessed it frst hand
As one NPC member said it "didn't add up"
If you have the time please listen to the audio tape on the NPC website and come to the next meeting.
Experts have carefully studied the Lidl planning application and the case officer's recommendations. You are aware I guess that the case has also been referred to the Secretary of State
Residents have learnt a lot. In the wider interests of Handforth, Alderley and Wilmslow we are happy to continue sharing lessons with all just as worthy campaigns.
It's already happening and we have the independent councillors to thank for that.
All the best,
I’m sure you are able to read between the lines regarding my comments.
My initial comment @ 20:03 followed comments regarding the glass box having multiple uses. Given the fact that this mini retail park (feel free to try and correct me on this description). It has a supermarket, pub, nursery, gym (did), car show room etc I don’t quite understand why contributors take issue with the so called glass box having a change of use?
Let me guess..Traffic? Parking? Litter? Drifting smell? Light pollution? Dear oh dear! Clutching at straws again on this one.
Anything other than a cattle shack for the award winning long horn will solicit a venomous response from the anti anything crew.