Have your say on plans to tackle dog fouling


Cheshire East Council has today opened a public consultation to seek residents' views around the introduction of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to tackle dog fouling and dog control across the borough.

The PSPO is being proposed to enable the council to combat dog fouling more-effectively and introduce certain dog control requirements.
The PSPO would allow the council to:

  • Ban dog fouling in all public places within Cheshire East borough;
  • Allow authorised officers to tell a dog owner/walker to put and keep their dog on a lead if necessary, for example, if their dog was showing aggressive behaviour;
  • Issue a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) of up to £100 and failure to pay the FPN may lead to prosecution and a potential maximum fine of £1,000, as would more serious breaches of the PSPO.

Cheshire East Council has a statutory duty to keep land clear of litter and refuse (including dog fouling) and a duty of care for dealing with waste. They also have a duty to take action against irresponsible individuals who fail to clear up after their dogs on land which is open to the public. Not only is dog mess highly unpleasant, it is also a hazard to health – particularly to children.

A spokesperson for Cheshire East Council said "Introducing the PSPO would allow the council to replace and extend the existing dog controls and byelaws. This will give a consistent approach across the borough to dog fouling as well as introduce dog control requirements, to encourage responsible dog ownership, to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy our open areas, country parks and public spaces safely."

The consultation will run for four weeks from today (Tuesday, 12th September) until October 10th, 2017. Before bringing the PSPO into effect, the council will consider the responses to this public consultation.

If the PSPO is brought into effect, the council would publicise this ahead of the implementation date.

Click here to complete the Dog fouling and control PSPO survey.

Cheshire East Council, Dog Fouling


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Howard Piltz
Tuesday 12th September 2017 at 3:24 pm
I have already posted a photo of signs complaint about dog-mess near a children's nursery and the responce was quite strong. Who-ever these awful people are the more they are shown up the better. If I see the culprits I'm likely to photograph them and post it on this site! More strength to the Council although the prospect of banning all dog-fouling is rather perplexing
Howard Piltz
Tuesday 12th September 2017 at 3:36 pm
I have already posted a photo of signs complaint about dog-mess near a children's nursery and the responce was quite strong. Who-ever these awful people are the more they are shown up the better. If I see the culprits I'm likely to photograph them and post it on this site! More strength to the Council although the prospect of banning all dog-fouling is rather perplexing
James MacDonald
Tuesday 12th September 2017 at 4:45 pm
I would also like you to consider fines to owners of untrained dogs. I have been attacked and threatened on several occasions by dogs off the leash in the Carrs park and Styal areas.
Sally Hoare
Tuesday 12th September 2017 at 5:43 pm
Almost worse than not picking up the poo is bagging it then throwing down the plastic bag, or hanging it on a tree!
These people must be shamed.
Pete Taylor
Tuesday 12th September 2017 at 7:31 pm
Manchester Council is considering a law to make dog owners carry poo bags or face a fine.
Dave Cash
Wednesday 13th September 2017 at 12:27 am
What constitutes a 'poo bag'?
Any receptacle is sufficient, even an empty crisp packet.
Hanging a 'poo bag' in a tree is still 'littering' and would prob not satisfy any dog fouling Order.
I just want to stop dogs with owners present, fouling my open-plan front lawn.
One owner I caught pleaded she did not have a bag, I explained 'Not my problem, pick it up anyway.
Some dogs deposit soft, not hard collectible faeces.
Richard Howard
Wednesday 13th September 2017 at 3:33 am
There's a lazy slob of a woman who lets her dog sh*t outside my gates on Newgate regularly...I've formally complained to Chehire East Coincil but nothing ever happens
Alan Brough
Wednesday 13th September 2017 at 10:19 am
@ Pete Taylor

Interesting development....so, a Warden could stop me and ask me to show my poo bags and if I refuse to show them to him, he could fine me. How does he know who I am? Will I be required to have a tag around my neck with my name and address on it?

As a responsible dog owner who always "collects" after his dog and often picks up broken glass and other litter whilst out walking I'm slightly concerned by (what I see as) the disproportionate measures proposed for dog walkers.
Laurie Atterbury
Wednesday 13th September 2017 at 5:18 pm
Dog fouling is not the offence; it is the failure of the owner to clear up after. I know where people have let their dog run on ahead and before they had a chance to clear up got issued with a penalty notice.
John Featherstone
Wednesday 13th September 2017 at 5:39 pm
my goodness what is the world and you lot coming to when all you can talk about is dog poo?? have none of you got anything better to do or think about than that, pathetic, can any one of you tell me how many children have been ill because of it?????????? no thought not who cleans up after the foxes?????must be one of you TTFN
Pete Taylor
Wednesday 13th September 2017 at 5:41 pm
@Alan Brough- it must be true, it's in the Daily Mail (he said without even a trace of irony):

Debra Conroy
Thursday 14th September 2017 at 11:32 am
I am a dog owner and would not dream of leaving the house without a pocket full of poo bags. They are cheap enough and every dog owner should carry them and should take full responsibility for clearing up their dog mess. I appreciate that wild animals leave mess too but not much we can do about that but let's all take responsibility for our own dog mess and then everyone is happy. I often pick up other dog mess too if it is close by, doesn't bother me however as dog owners we need to appreciate that people without dogs take great offence and quite right too.