A planning application has been submitted to enable a new restaurant to open in a town centre unit which has been vacant for several years.
The application is for a change of use for 40 Parsonage Green, the premises previously occupied by the children's creche Kiddycreche, which opened in June 2010.
Planning permission was granted in October 2016 to change the use of the vacant premises to enable a new coffee shop, tea room and snack bar to open.
However, Alexander Dino is now looking to change the use from A3 Coffee Shop to A3 Restaurant.
The proposed opening hours are 11.30am to 11pm and the restaurant is expected to provide jobs for six full-time and four part-time members of staff.
The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 17/3684M. The last date for submitting comments is tomorrow, August 10th, and a decision is expected by 13th September.
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
Wilmslow is just turning into a dump! Can't get about for all the roads jammed up with builders vans, cars parked everywhere, laybys jammed up, just getting worse on a daily basis.
Get it sorted Cheshire East!
Retail specialist Harper Dennis Hobbs has ranked Wilmslow the 'best place to shop in the north west'. Their findings, conducted over a five year period, confirm and slightly improve those of the Vitality Index list published in 2014.
The value of these findings lie in their use by other retail groups, seeking to expand into towns in which they currently have no representation.
The 'High Street', howsoever defined, is and will remain under threat from changing patterns of access to retail trading. Please try to celebrate incoming businesses and their enthusiasm to invest in Wilmslow.
So what if it's another eatery! Blame the greedy council and developers with ridiculous rents...and taxes.
They seem to have missed the Internet revolution. No wonder more and more eateries are filling the space. The internet revolution hasnt quite cracked and replaced people's desire to eat out.
The town boasts more 'high end' retailers and fewer 'undesirable' traders as a proportion of the total town centre retail mix than any other place in the north west including Chester, which is some achievement.
The urban high street is under intense threats from other ways of access to retail purchase in particular and we should celebrate rather than denigrate businesses who decide to invest in new ventures in the town. This particular application offers few clues about the proposed nature of their intended restaurant but I for one wish them well.
They will be occupying premises in a parade that is in some need of attention. Perhaps we should be directing our bile towards landlords, who are content to collect their tenants' rents but leave their premises in an external state of disrepair. By the way, could we please bear in mind that Business Rates are set by central government and not by the unitary authority.
Mr Worthington makes very valid points.
As for the opinions of "professional retail consultants"- what product are they selling?
It may equate to Knutsford. No one likes to see their local area decline, yet rents should be subject to market forces.
You are correct, Business Rates are set by C Govt, but I note the adjustments they made AFTER the last business rates valuation.
Anyone, please what factors/costs should be included in any retail outlet start-up?