Chief Executive of Cheshire East Council suspended


Concerns have been raised over the conduct of one or more senior officers at Cheshire East Council.

The Investigation and Disciplinary Committee met on Monday, 10th and Tuesday 11th April, to discuss the issues raised.

Following the meetings Cheshire East Council has confirmed that a decision has been taken to suspend Mike Suarez the Chief Executive of Cheshire East Council while an independent investigation is undertaken.

The chair of the investigation and disciplinary committee, said "We would stress that suspension is a neutral act taken in the interests of both the Council and Chief Executive.

"It is important that this investigation is undertaken objectively and therefore it would be inappropriate to make any further comment at this stage."

The Council will not disclose any details regarding the nature of the concerns raised about officer conduct or whether the committee is investigating the conduct of any other officers.

Mike Suarez joined Cheshire East Council as Chief Executive in August 2013, having experience in Local Government with several other councils. He started his local government career at the London Borough of Southwark before taking up his first Director role with Slough Borough Council. He was previously an Executive Director with the London Borough of Lambeth.

Cheshire East Council, Mike Suarez


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Dave Cash
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 2:35 am
Another one bites the dust, form an orderly queue at the back.
How long before Cheshire Police reveal their investigation into our previous Chairman and a current Cons CEC Cllr - Michael Jones?
Pete Taylor
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 8:26 am
Perhaps now would be the time for a public-spirited Councillor to "leak" the full version of the Lyme Green cover-up report, so that we can see another piece of the shameful history of CEC.
Until we know who was involved in that, how can the electorate have confidence in any of these internal inquiries?
Nick Jones
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 10:11 am
Not just the enquiries Pete, The people involved .. who remain in office !... How can there be any ‘confidence’ if they are ‘excused’ from transparency ?. As individual’s they have the opportunity to provide that clarity to the electorate… Until demonstrated they remain ‘tarnished’
“A clarification is not to make oneself clear.. It is to put oneself ‘In’ the clear “ H Appleby
Manuel Golding
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 12:15 pm
Without knowing the full facts it is difficult for us mere mortals to form an objective opinion of the highly secretive Star Chamber. However one may guess that the Investigation and Disciplinary Committee enquiry was related to Cllr Michael Jones' "appointment" of his former physio's company to a lucrative but uncontested council contract. Knowing the way Cllr Jones operated, I have some sympathy for the suspended Chief Executive in trying to face up to a Cllr Jones "onslaught".
The committee chairman says "It is important that this investigation is undertaken objectively and therefore it would be inappropriate to make any further comment at this stage." Does this mean he will, at the non-inappropriate time (whatever & whenever that may be) make an "objective", and we hope, and full disclosure of the facts pertaining?
Judging Cheshire East by its previous historic strategy to constantly cover up the facts to all its investigations & shortcomings, Lyme Green fiasco for one, I would suggest we do not
hold our collective breath.
Here is yet another example of CE Conservative majority leadership riding roughshod over the electorate.
Doing the "honourable thing" i.e resigning, is not a concept the current crop of Wilmslow Conservatives understand.
The Conservatives are only interested in their own backs, thus making an exceedingly strong case for Independent councillors to replace the whole sordid lot. There has never a better case for ever more independent borough councillors, like the independent Residents of Wilmslow which is committed to putting the voters BEFORE party!
Simon Worthington
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 3:26 pm
Time to drain the swamp of these critters.I fully agree Manuel and hope that the sheep who would vote for a chimp with a blue rosette will wake up tis time.
Vic Barlow
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 3:37 pm
Please don't tell me this Independent investigation is going to cost us five times more than the money involved in the incident and will ultimately be redacted and obfuscated until we have no idea what went on.
Based on our experience thus far this report will be swiftly followed by more pay-offs at taxpayers expense.
No wonder CEC cannot afford social care for vulnerable residents. We know exactly where that money is going.
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 4:13 pm
Unlike you Manuel, I have some no sympathy for any Chief Executive in the public sector who is unable to maintain professional standards. That is what Chief Executives are there to do, and that is why they earn such vast salaries. In the days of the old "Town Clerks" it was their job to ensure that Council leaders acted within the letter of the law, and were seen to be acting within the letter of the law, and they were paid a pittance.
Clive Cooksey
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 6:35 pm
How dare we ask what they have done! After all we only pay their wages!! They are our servants NOT masters. Come out with it. Its like the Kremlin information office
Gerald Norden
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 7:00 pm
Executives and Appointees in the public sector, part of the establishment political machine are wrecking voters confidence to the point of absolute disengagement with our rotten systems that create opportunity for misconduct and unaccountability.
The only way forward is for the election of non-political independents.
Chris Wigley
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 7:02 pm
Didn't we lose a chief executive at the time of Lyme Green? To paraphrase Wilde's Lady Bracknell "To lose one CEO is unfortunate to lose two is sheer carelessness".
When we had Cheshire as a County Council I do not remember such scandals. There again Cheshire did change hands and for some time had NOM, perhaps employees were not so easily influence as they are in CE one party state.
Pete Taylor
Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 10:33 pm
Not a word from our local CEC "representatives" yet again.
Quick enough to tell us that there was no need to investigate Michael Jones. Quick enough to tell us what a splendid constituency MP Osborne has been..........

Tick, tock...
Thursday 13th April 2017 at 11:49 am
Remaining silent whilst his "gardening leave" is costing us £5000 per week - without what we are paying his "stand-in" whoever that might be. Will he still attend and speak at the conference he is booked into in June, and is he getting paid for that?
Manuel Golding
Thursday 13th April 2017 at 2:53 pm
The more one sees, reads and is affected by this example of a council in total disarray, in effect a total shambles, the more one feels the need for a full and open public enquiry to be
undertaken by the Home Office.
The majority controlling Conservative councillor hangers on obviously have no appetite for returning honesty & integrity to their party's council business. So maybe we will have to try persuading the HM to act.
Yet another example of the urgent need for independent control of this discredited council - time for independent Residents of Wilmslow councillors to take the places of the sorry bunch that is the Conservative party's representatives at CEC.
Bob Jones
Thursday 13th April 2017 at 9:52 pm
"The chair of the investigation and disciplinary committee, said "We would stress that suspension is a neutral act taken in the interests of both the Council and Chief Executive."

So no need to worry about the electors, council tax payers or the rest of CE citizens!
Stuart Redgard
Friday 14th April 2017 at 2:26 am
I wonder if Mr Osborne is going to be asked to step in and look after CEC whilst the CEO is on garden leave. Apparently he has some time on his hands before he starts his new Job in May.