The Strategic Planning Committee will meet next week to determine plans which could significantly expand the retail park at Handforth Dean.
Four separate planning applications will be discussed on Wednesday, 19th April, which could potentially add a large number of retail units along with restaurants, cafes, drive-thus and parking.
The first three applications are from Alderley Edge based company CPG Development Projects who have applied to build a retail and leisure development on a Council owned site at Earl Road.
The first application (reference 16/0138M), which includes 23,076 sqm of retail space alongside cafes and restaurants, has been amended and reduced in scale since the original submission in January 2016. The amendments include the removal of the originally proposed hotel.
The second application (reference 16/0802M) is for the erection of four restaurants and three drive-thru restaurant/cafe's along with associated car parking, servicing and landscaping.
Although separate applications have been submitted, this application is part of a phased approach to development on the site and is referred to as Phase 2. However, the larger retail