Concerns have been raised over the conduct of one or more senior officers at Cheshire East Council.
The Investigation and Disciplinary Committee will meet on Monday, 10th April, to discuss the issues raised.
The Council will not confirm which officer or officers they relate to, or disclose any details regarding the nature of them.
A Cheshire East Council Spokesperson said: "We can confirm that potential concerns have been raised about officer conduct.
"Initial enquiries have been undertaken and the matter is now to be considered by our Investigations and Disciplinary Committee who will make recommendations as to what, if any, action needs to be taken.
"We would stress that the fact we have arranged for an Investigations and Disciplinary Committee to be convened does not imply any wrong doing. It is a routine step to take in these circumstances.
"It is important that the committee are able to make an objective decision on the matters that are put to them and therefore we are not able to make any further comment at this stage."
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Re-unite Cheshire now.
They'll also probably "working with" someone-or-other to ensure mistakes aren't repeated.
And on that basis we have.. Lyme Green debacle, Core Fit ‘No Need for an investigation’ leading to a law enforcement evidence search at Westfields before Christmas , CEC Ignore local plan, non-compliance to Govt planning policy ignoring the ‘exceptional circumstance’ criteria placing Green belt at risk, Ignoring Brownfield development, PCC appointing his family friend as his Deputy withholding her CV and not removing himself from the ‘process’. Adlington ‘never build on these fields’ Road, Cllrs going against their electorate voting several times to then build on green belt… Co Socious, CEC reorganising into directorates (more cost) to become self-funding??, appointment of a disbarred director , Newly created ‘Executive Directors’ role.. following on from Messrs’ Wenzel, Riley& Suarez etc… failing to merge East and West..
In 2013 Kim Ryley's review of management roles and responsibilities sought to reduce CEC management posts by a quarter - saving £5m a year by 2015 and the end of 'silo' working.. FAILED !... We now have more cost 2 Silos at East and West with a 4% Tax rise (declared a saving !) Then there’s the pay off’ s.. too many to mention.. and Rachel Riley’s ‘disappointed' portrayal of CEC for no good cause !!! .. Simply put, CEC needs to get rid of the hypocrisy, get rid of the problems, listen to its electorate and start saving our money instead of wasting it.. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck then we have to consider the possibility that it’s a duck…. May be a costly but lame duck ? Quis custodiet ipsos custodies !