Plans for eco bungalows refused


Plans to build bungalows on land to the rear of 34 Hawthorn Lane have been refused.

Village Heritage Ltd applied to build three fully accessible two bedroom eco bungalows, with associated parking and landscaping, on land behind the Heald Court apartment block.

The 0.266 hectare site is situated within the Hawthorn Lane Conservation Area and was formerly part of the gardens to properties on Hawthorn Lane but is now vacant and covered with trees and grass.

The scheme was refused on the grounds that "The proposed development would fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Hawthorn Lane, Wilmslow Conservation Area and would therefore conflict with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy BE3 of the Macclesfield Borough Local Plan."

Thirty-four local residents objected to the plans on the grounds that the proposed development neither preserves nor enhances the Hawthorn Lane Conservation Area and would compromise the character of the Carrs. Concerns were also raised that the proposed development would set a precedent for other back gardens to be developed, cause further traffic problems and result or damage of a significant number of trees.

Wilmslow Town Council also recommended refusal on the application on the grounds of its impact on the Conservation Area and it would set a precedent for back- land development in the Conservation Area. Wilmslow Trust also raised these concerns adding "There has been a history of applications for this site, all of which have been turned down, both for Planning approval and on Appeal. Nothing has changed to recommend a different result."

The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 15/5642M.

Photo: Entrance to Heald Court.

Hawthorn Lane, Heald Court, Planning Applications


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Simon Worthington
Wednesday 8th June 2016 at 1:50 pm
Note to owners of land. Flog it to Pete.