Company aimed at saving millions for tax payer reported loss of £2.6m

A company jointly owned by Cheshire West and Chester Council and Cheshire East Council which was set up with the aim of saving millions of pounds for Cheshire's council taxpayers, instead reported an overall loss of £2.6m for 2015-16.

CoSocius Ltd was launched in April 2014 to deliver essential business services to both local authorities and market services to outside organisations.

In May 2014 contracts and over 300 members of council staff from East and West who were formerly working in Cheshire Shared Services providing payroll, payments and IT functions were transferred to the new limited company.

At the time the Councils said "Once established the company is expected to generate savings in excess of £5m after the first five years, rising to £1.6m annually."

A statement issued on Friday 27th May, on behalf of both Councils, Councillor David Armstrong, Cheshire West and Chester Council's Cabinet Member for Legal and Finance, and Councillor Peter Groves, Cheshire East Council's Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets, said:

"CoSocius reported an overall loss of £2.6m for 2015-16. As owners of the company, these costs will be met by Cheshire West and Chester and Cheshire East Councils.

"While CoSocius itself ran at a loss, the two Councils generated £1m of savings on ICT and transactional services, reducing the net additional cost from such services to £1.6m across both Councils.

"Both Councils have met their share of these costs from their 2015-16 budgets. Thanks to savings and efficiencies delivered elsewhere, the two authorities have still delivered an overall underspend against planned expenditure for the year.

"All costs associated with CoSocius have therefore been contained without further impact on the finances of either Council or any new costs to the tax payer."

Councillors Armstrong and Groves continued: "Both Cheshire West and Chester and Cheshire East Councils are committed to working innovatively to deliver quality services and value for money for local taxpayers.

"As a business, CoSocius was able to trade with other organisations in addition to providing Council services, and was designed to reduce costs by eliminating waste and improving efficiency.

"Unfortunately, the fast-evolving nature of the ICT market meant that CoSocius experienced higher than expected running costs and fewer opportunities to grow its business commercially beyond the services provided to both local authorities. Sadly, this meant that CoSocius was not the success we hoped it would be.

"In October 2015 the Councils made the decision to bring the services back 'in house' and close down CoSocius. As part of this process steps have already been implemented to address the current overspend and bring costs back into line with budgeted levels for 2016-17.

"This decision was made for sound financial and practical reasons, and at the earliest practical opportunity, to best protect the interests of local Council Tax payers as well as to ensure ICT and transactional service continuity to both authorities."

Cheshire East Council, Cheshire West & Chester Council, CoSocius


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Mark Goldsmith
Tuesday 31st May 2016 at 9:41 pm
Can you think of anything more incompetent? No me neither.

Perhaps we should take the money from their pension pots to compensate taxpayers? That may focus their minds on the consequences of their folly.
Rick Andrews
Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 9:28 am
So the plan to save money did not work - yet another ego driven project which has wasted our money and no doubt created an overpaid management team. In the real world these people would be held to account for incompetence. Were they really surprised that ICT is a fast moving business? Yes it could be difficult to look 5 or 10 years ahead, but to fail in only 1 year of operation is an example of councillors thinking they are shrewd businessmen. This is not Dragon's Den, it's real and the money lost (yes, it is lost even if money was found from elsewhere) could be used for essential services such as libraries and roads. Oh, and what about the cost of taking back the staff who transferred?
Let's push for an inquiry and hold the culprits to account. Perhaps the MD Mr Hudson would like to comment?
Nick Jones
Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 9:51 am
As reported in these very pages and elsewhere; ‘Co Socius…. Set up to save council taxpayers money’, reports a loss of £2.6m yet allegedly generated £1m I.T saving and £1.6m ‘services’ saving. Its failings being blamed on ‘fast evolving ICT Market ‘ Hasn’t that always been the case? Isn’t that the very nature of cutting edge technology business ?… Then we are told CEC is reorganising into directorates (More Cost !) to become self-funding… £5m savings already having been made… Just where do these randomly generated numbers come from ?... Is this from the same Michael Suarez that said at a meeting of the Audit and Governance Committee that there was no need to for an external investigation into £150.000 contracts issued to Michael Jones’s physiotherapist (Core Fit). [Now being investigated by Law Enforcement] The mind boggles… If it is of benefit , I note Wilmslow Town Council has provided a grant to a local charity for those with learning difficulties ... Then let’s throw the Localism Act in the mix… to ensure councilors hold the highest ethical Standards... Shall we start with Lyme Green ? and then work forward before we look in detail at Co Socius and all the other wasted Tax revenue.
Vince Chadwick
Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 9:54 am
Council sets up its own IT company and ends up losing council tax payers' money. I hear the Pope is a catholic, too.
Barry Stafford
Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 10:30 am
Everything this lot touch, is a disaster.They are local government officers .Having worked there myself ,many years ago.Most couldn't run a p..up in a brewery'They wait for dead mens shoes,get up the ladder to high pensions and take early retirement.or take large payoffs to leave. They have little business acumen,much the same in Osbornes Treasury dept. WHY-O-Why,do they bother. The loss should be re-paid by the senior officers.Baz
Terry Roeves
Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 12:57 pm
Usual story.... If it's right, then take the glory, but when it's wrong, then it's nobody's fault.
No doubt a spokesperson will state that lessons have been learnt.
How much less frustrating was it, when we had no idea what our council was screwing up?
WTC do need to get control of some of our services. They will do a far better job. Remember the s106 money CE have grabbed from Wilmslow and the total lack of income for Wilmslow from Manchester Airport with part of its boundary within our parish.
Pete Taylor
Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 2:17 pm
Was there not also a previously-reported pensions liability of several millions on top of this for Cosocius?
Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 3:28 pm
"Unfortunately, the fast-evolving nature of the ICT market meant that CoSocius experienced higher than expected running costs and fewer opportunities to grow its business commercially".
I would have thought that it was common knowledge that the ICT sector has advanced as quickly as this since its inception. If the Council was unable to anticipate "the heat" they should have kept out of the kitchen. No excuse.
Malcolm Elliott
Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 8:08 pm
Ha Ha ......nil points.
Just like the European Union !!!
Simon Worthington
Thursday 2nd June 2016 at 11:28 am
This is a direct result of what a lecturer once referred to as "the council effect". One gets promoted from a job they can do well until they reach the heights of a job they can't do well and they no longer get promoted but stay in the job they can't do!!!!!
Manuel Golding
Thursday 2nd June 2016 at 3:42 pm
Cheshire East Council's next big, money saving scheme (that's what it calls 'em) should be
a company, with suitably inadequate councillors running it, yet again, designing courses on "Easy Guide: How to easily lose loads of council taxpayers' money whilst blaming others".
Pete Taylor
Thursday 2nd June 2016 at 6:40 pm
Yet again no comment here from our elected CEC representatives.
Nick Jones
Friday 3rd June 2016 at 12:28 pm
@ Peter; No worthy 'column inches' to be grabbed here by such politico's to rationalise with their electorate a) Clarity b) Basic Economics c) Common sense....

As those famous politicians once said.. ( and their advice still, it would appear,still holds good to day in relation to misuse of revenue ) .....
Sir Humphrey: A tiny mistake. The sort that anyone can make ...
Hacker: A tiny mistake? 75,000 pounds? Give me an example of a big mistake....
Sir Humphrey: Letting people find out about it.