Help keep your councillors in check

Are you interested in helping to ensure that your local councillors uphold the highest ethical standards?

The Localism Act 2011 places a duty on all councils to promote and maintain high standards of conduct for elected and co-opted councillors. This includes a requirement that Cheshire East Council and the town and parish councils in Cheshire East adopt a code of conduct for all of their elected and co-opted councillors.

Cheshire East Council is seeking to appoint three local people, who live or work in the Borough, as 'independent persons' to work with the Monitoring Officer and the Council's audit and governance committee in dealing with complaints against councillors under the code.

Councillor Rachel Bailey, the new Leader of the Council, said: "We are looking for three people living or working in the Borough with a keen interest in democracy and the workings of a local authority.

"The way our members conduct themselves is of interest to many people. We want this process to be an open one. Therefore, it is important that local people, who are independent of the Council, should be included.

"I look forward to their appointment in the coming weeks."

The term of office for the successful candidates will be four years. They will be expected to attend ad hoc standards meetings as required and will be able to claim a meeting allowance and travel expenses.

To ensure independence, there are restrictions on who can be appointed to this position. For example, applicants must not be politically active or have any relationship with councillors, the Council or any of its employees.

To check if you are eligible to apply or for an application pack, please email Cheshire East Council's director of legal services Bill Norman or contact him by phone on 01270 686 003.

The closing date for applications is Friday, May 27th.

Cheshire East Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Pete Taylor
Friday 13th May 2016 at 2:39 pm
The link to Bill Norman above requires a log-in and password; I was unable to crack the code; as Bill is on leave, I left a message for him.