Local residents are objecting to plans to build three bungalows on land to the rear of 34 Hawthorn Lane.
Village Heritage Ltd have applied to build three fully accessible two bedroom eco bungalows, with associated parking and landscaping, on land behind the Heald Court apartment block.
The 0.266 hectare site is situated within the Hawthorn Lane Conservation Area and was formerly part of the gardens to properties on Hawthorn Lane but is now vacant and covered with trees and grass.
The bungalows will be designed to be fully accessible for people with mobility issues and vehicular access to the site will be along the existing road which serves the car park to the rear of Heald Court.
Eight local residents have objected to the plans so far on the grounds that Hawthorn Lane is a Conservation area and a new development would be most incongruous; building on this area would threaten the established wildlife and the proposed development is very out of character for the style of housing that currently exists on this road.
The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 15/5642M. The deadline for submitting comments is 4th February and a decision is expected to be made by 8th February.
Photo: Entrance to Heald Court.
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