I read a story this week of a man who survived 55 days drifting in the open sea by catching rainwater in his cap. I'm beginning to feel the same dealing with all the dog behaviour problems flooding my way.
Most days I have a steady stream of canine 'problems' directed at me but after a holiday period it becomes a Tsunami. Dads who spend little time around the family dog during a normal working week suddenly become irritated when Fido is under their feet for days.
Their "Don't worry he'll grow out of it," response quickly changes to, "We need to get this damn dog trained properly," after a weeks holiday. What they rarely say is, "We need to get ourselves trained."
Almost all dog behaviour is created and/or reinforced in the home environment. With the best will in the world and the very best of intentions owners create the precise behaviour they complain about. Then in an effort to correct it they inadvertently make it worse.
A highly stressed lady was telling me about her hyper active dog this week when her daughter arrived home from school took a packet of crisps from the cupboard and ran through the kitchen screaming like a banshee as the dog jumped up at the waving packet.
That's not a dog problem... that's a daughter problem.
Dad's and teenage boys often create aggressive behaviour in the family dog by wrestling and tug 'o' war. Rough games are totally unsuitable for pet dogs who will see that behaviour as acceptable.
No training class on earth can cure bad behaviour learned at home, which is why I teach owners first and dogs second. Once I educate owners dog problems often resolve themselves.
Don't get stressed come along to one of my classes and learn how it's done.
Click here or text me direct on 07590-560012
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