Promotional Feature
What's going on??.....
In addition to our range of adult classes The Yoga Cloud is so pleased to be able to offer the only weekly Yoga & Mindfulness classes in Cheshire purely for adolescents, young people between the ages of 12-20 YOGATEENS CLASSES HERE!!
The Yoga Cloud 'YogaTeens' & The Yard's T.O.T.E (Teens on the Edge).......
We are also delighted to share news of our collaborations with The Yard, Alderley Edge. As the season turns from Autumn to Winter we need to nourish ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally. As hibernation is not a viable option, join us in this Practice combining a grounding Yoga Flow to help you to stay earthed through the darker days.... followed by delicious eats. Sadie will also provide a mini demonstration of her recipe and we'll send you away with a goody bag to keep up your wellbeing at home!
Where: Nether Alderley Parish Hall (@St. Mary's)
When: 17 October 2015
Time: 11am-2pm
Investment: £25
More details and booking look here YOGATEENS BRUNCH.
Growing Pains!
In their teens, children experience an amazing growth spurt to reach their final height. At their fastest, boys can grow by up to 9cm in a year and girls at a rate of 8cm in a year. It is little wonder that their brains, and parents simply cannot keep up! Aside from the physical pain often associated with this growth spurt many young people describe feelings of 'awkwardness', 'clumsiness' and not 'being normal'.
Hormones perform an organising role and an activating role during adolescence. They organise the way the brain is shaping and growing and turn on the changes in behaviour through the different stages in a human life. Any parent who has experienced (or currently dreading) the door slamming, mood swinging, head spinning expression of adolescence will acknowledge the huge hormonal changes occurring in their adolescents life. Watching this behaviour can be heart breaking for parents. Families often experience adolescence with pain and bewilderment as if their once delightful child has been body snatched and replaced by a character form the 'Exorcist'!! Add all of this with the cocktail of peer pressure, social media, exam worries, sexualisation, friendships, relationships, a global recession, (need I continue??) then is it any surprise that our young people are experiencing higher rates of mental health related issues, obesity and long term illness than ever before....... We must empower them to transition into their adult lives with a stronger sense of self :
'The key is to keep nurturing the thread of who she really is in life by encouraging the activities that keep her strength, perseverance, and self-esteem. At the same time, we need to understand that she'll be going through some challenging changes' Dr Christiane Northrup
The GREAT News!!!!!
Through the teachings of Yoga & Mindfulness we help them and us to make this transitional time easier AND teach them skills that will support them emotionally, mentally and physically through all of the adventures their life may offer them! Read more HERE! 07974 85 18 81 [email protected]