Drive to raise awareness of reduced parking fees


Whilst there is a high demand for all-day parking in Wilmslow town centre, a car park off Water Lane regularly has between 120 and 150 empty spaces.

In a drive to encourage more people to use the Spring Street multi-storey car park, Cheshire East Council has reduced the charges.

From this week the cost of all day parking at Spring Street has been cut from £5.50 to £4.30, to match the rate charged at the long stay section of the South Drive car park which is always full, as is the car park at Broadway Meadow.

Speaking at a meeting of Wilmslow Business Group on Monday 22nd June, Councillor Rod Menlove said that some people are not aware that the Spring Street car park is there and those that do know it is there think it is too expensive.

In order to raise awareness of the Spring Street multi-storey car park, signs are being installed at Broadway Meadow, telling drivers about the Spring Street car park. Leaflets have also been produced which the council is intending to place under the windscreen wipers of cars parked in the town's other car parks.

Cllr Rod Menlove told "These reduced charges are welcome and clearly address a value perception. However, the other part of the problem is that visitors seem unaware of this car park. Daily there are between 120-150 vacant spaces.

"Therefore, I pressed for better signage plus information at the entry and exit of the oversubscribed Broadway Meadow car park. In addition we have A5 leaflets for Broadway Meadow, Wilmslow Leisure Centre and South Drive long stay car parkers giving directions and the new lower charges."

Spring Street car park opens at 7am and the closing time has now been extended to 10pm, rather than 7pm as it was previously. Parking at the Spring Street multi-storey remains free after 3pm.

Cheshire East Council, Parking , Parking, Spring Street Car Park


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Jeff Broadley
Wednesday 24th June 2015 at 9:50 pm
I like the idea of the leaflets under windscreen wipers .How about leaflets being put under the windscreen wipers of cars annoyingly parked in residential areas to make these drivers aware of the Spring Street car park.
Gary Littlewood
Thursday 25th June 2015 at 2:36 pm
The car park has 120-150 empty spaces as there isn't really anything to visit Wilmslow for. Perhaps if the council would reduce business rates and put some effort into attracting decent retailers to the town, it might be a different story.
Gary Barton
Friday 26th June 2015 at 12:56 pm
Hi Jeff, we will be doing more to tackle all day commuter parkers on residential roads.

Gary - Cheshire East does not set the business rates so unfortunately we aren't able to lower them. Rates are set based on a government formula. The biggest problem are high level of rent in the town - which directly affects business rates.

Wilmslow Town Council and local Cheshire East Councillors are working with local retailers to try and boost trade. For one small example see: