Cheshire East teams up with housing association to offer cheaper energy


Social housing tenants will be offered cheaper energy as a result of a deal between a housing association and Cheshire East Council.

Peaks and Plains Housing Trust has signed up to support Fairerpower, the gas and electricity supplier launched by the Council in conjunction with OVO Energy in March.

Along with the pay-monthly options, Peaks and Plains' 5,000 plus householders could benefit from Fairerpower's pay as you go tariff, which could save pay as you go customers £108 annually.

Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council, said: "I am delighted that Peaks and Plains Housing Trust has joined our battle against fuel poverty.

"Our pay as you go tariff is good for their customers, who are also our residents. We believe in putting our residents first and we look forward to more and more housing association tenants switching their energy supply to us.

"The Council is not making any money out of Fairerpower. In fact we are investing in it. The return we get is the savings we are securing for our residents."

Fairerpower will also supply Peaks and Plains with gas and electricity for their empty properties and the commercial properties that it occupies or rents out.

Tim Pinder, chief executive of Peaks and Plains Housing Trust, said: "We applaud Cheshire East's ambitions to reduce fuel poverty and if Fairerpower can reduce fuel bills for many of our hard-pressed tenants, that frees up more of their household budgets to be spent elsewhere."

Craig Morley, managing director of OVO Communities, said: "We are pleased to have the opportunity to work with Peaks and Plains so we can help even more residents get access to a fair deal on their energy."

So far, more than 1,800 people have switched to Fairerpower.

Photo: Cheshire East Council Leader Councillor Michael Jones (right) and Craig Morley, managing director of OVO Communities.

Cheshire East Council, Fairerpower


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Malcolm Harvey
Wednesday 24th June 2015 at 5:03 pm
I applaud the principle and objective that East Cheshire are endeavouring to achieve with this link with Fairerpower but to anyone thinking of changing please check carefully on the deal offered as when I requested full tariff details and subsequently checked this based on my previous 12 month KWH usage for dual fuel they were more expensive than my current suppliers.