Outline plans for residential development off Rotherwood Road


The Emerson Group, on behalf of Jones Homes, has submitted an outline planning application for a residential development of 26 properties on land off Rotherwood Road.

The site measures approximately one hectare and is located to the east of Rotherwood Road on the western fringe of Wilmslow.

The proposal is for a mixture of detached and mews properties ranging from two to five bedrooms. The indicative layout plans show 8 mews properties and 18 detached houses, 30% of which will be affordable.

It is anticipated that at least two car parking spaces will be provided per dwelling and each will have their own private garden areas.

There have been no previous planning applications in respect to this site which is included within a wider piece of land which is classed as making a significant contribution to the Green Belt. It is currently a vacant field and the last use of the site is thought to have been for grazing land.

The outline planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 14/3884M.

The last date for submitting comments is 29th January and a decision is expected to be made by 3rd March. The Northern Planning Committee is scheduled to consider this application on 4th February 2015.

Planning Applications, Rotherwood Road


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Wednesday 24th December 2014 at 1:13 pm
This is on the edge of Lindow Moss - a site of major archaelogical and historical importance. The proposal would see the removal of 15 trees and destruction of of crucial wildlife habitat. I wait to see how Cheshire East responds, but on past form they will not only cave in, but bend over backwards to give them what they want.
Chris Wigley
Wednesday 24th December 2014 at 2:52 pm
How interesting to see that it is Jones Homes/Emmerson applying for permission - who would have anticipated that!

I hope the electorate of Wilmslow will remember this when they vote in the local elections for Cheshire East and Wilmslow Town Council.
Chris Boothman
Wednesday 24th December 2014 at 5:28 pm
Yet another attempt to destroy the character of this quiet traditional part of Wilmslow. Sixteen years ago I had a choice of this part of Wilmslow or Summerfields. It was an easy descision to come to here rather than a housing estate. Rotherwood Road is a restricted vehicular access, bridleway and footpath. The road, such as it is forms the main access to the Lindow peat bog and is heavily used as a footpath. This is all about making money for a few people and fuelling the property boom in the town. Dressing it up as providing 30% affordable housing is unrealistic in this part of Wilmslow. If it goes ahead the junction at Moor Lane/Cumber Lane would become very busy during construction and when the new property is occupied.
Sally Hoare
Wednesday 24th December 2014 at 7:32 pm
This has to be green belt? The increase in traffic is the main problem. I may be a little more supportive if it was just affordable homes for first time buyers. The land is very boggy around there, not sure how it would affect existing homes.
Simon Worthington
Sunday 28th December 2014 at 9:22 am
Get your deposit down now. I think you may find the council bending forward as our favourite local developer will get their way.
Pete Taylor
Sunday 28th December 2014 at 10:25 am
Until such time as CEC manages to produce a viable Local Plan these speculative assaults on the Green Belt will continue.
This site was identified in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment numbered 3282, it is described as "Not available, not achievable and not currently developable". Rotherwood Road is described as a "restricted by-way"- hardly the best of access roads. See SHLAA on the CEC site: http://bit.ly/QgKf6M
For some reason this area is on the Alderley and Chelford map.

Whilst looking at site 3282, you may also wish to look at site 3997, which is the Green Belt on the opposite side of Rotherwood Road, where 22 houses could be erected and site 3426, the (now-defunct) Ned Yates Garden Centre, where 100 houses could be erected.
There also seems to be a proposal by the mushroom people to build 14 houses on Lindow Moss so It's going to be a bit busy round that area if all this goes ahead!
Fiona Doorbar
Monday 29th December 2014 at 8:09 pm
No doubt these homes will be granted approval and many more too , just as Summerfields was years ago but Wilmslow High is already over capacity....... building all these 'family sized' homes is only going to compound this issue.
The council foots the bill to ferry kids by private taxi from the catchment area to other high schools in East Cheshire....
Total madness!
Kerry Louise Burgess
Monday 29th December 2014 at 10:01 pm
I am completely against this as it is greenbelt, my parents live near here [this is where I grew up] there is already enough congestion as it is and a lot of horses/wildlife are near there, bad enough as it is. And it is restricted. Very boggy, I know many years ago, developers wanted to build near there, they could not due to ground issues. It will be interesting to see how CEC respond aswell as Wilmslow Town council.
Stuart Redgard
Tuesday 30th December 2014 at 3:04 am
Sally. I can confirm that this site is in the Greenbelt. I will therefore be objecting to it on this basis, and that there is a brownfield site already identified for residential development within 500m of this site (i.e. Ned Yates).

Suggest others do the same.
Barry Stafford
Wednesday 31st December 2014 at 12:56 pm
It's the same developer again!!! How interesting they appear to obtain planning permission on these lovely Green belt sites.And don't take into account the disruption to roads schools, GP's etc. This area near Lindow is lovely for cycling and walking with little traffic.
Michelle Gray
Wednesday 31st December 2014 at 1:30 pm
I think that the topic of building on Greenbelt areas surrounding Wilmslow is one that unites the local residents into objecting against it.

We have plenty of Brownfield Sites that, with a bit more preparation and situated in less rural locations, would be better suited to residential development, giving easier access to local amenities for the new residents.

It is a no brainer!
Sonia Mitchell
Wednesday 31st December 2014 at 2:27 pm
Chris Wigley makes a good point. But remember that our local councillors have limited power, as housing targets and the obsession with growth at any cost has largely been forced on them by central government. Don't forget that the planning laws were specifically changed to favour development.

In a few short years our area of Cheshire will be changed out of all recognition by massive airport expansion, the major new airport link road and over 3,000 new houses from developments at 'Handforth East' and Woodford alone, not to mention HS2 and fracking.

I suggest we remember this when voting at the next General Election in spring.
Fred Rayers
Wednesday 31st December 2014 at 3:54 pm
Sonia does make a fair point.

However remember that the majority of our local Councillors belong to the same party that has adjusted the planning laws to be even more biased in favour of development than they were before, especially weakening of green belt. On such a fundamental and general issue as planning, in the absence of any other information one can only assume that they support central party policy. If not they should be actively (and visibly) fighting against those policies within that party - to a point of considering if they should resign from it if that policy is not changed.
Paul Weston
Monday 5th January 2015 at 10:17 am
I walked along Rotherwood Road yesterday the 4th of January with some one who happens to be an environmental ecologist. This person told me "There is no way that the area in question should be built on". This person is not an ecological tree hugger and they do not live in the area and therfore has no ulteria motive for there comments.
Susan Latham
Tuesday 6th January 2015 at 5:22 pm
Green belt land, bridal path, sunken land, privately owned access road, home to wildlife including Owls, Bats and Badgers. Currently a very heavily used path for dog wakers, cyclists as this road is the entrance to the peat bogs. A small area of land used to cram a load of houses on for the benefit of the developer only. Local Schools already over subscribed. Please add all your objections onto the Cheshire East website -

view planning applications
Pete Taylor
Thursday 8th January 2015 at 8:29 pm
@ Fred Rayers- not only do our CEC ward Councillors (with the exception of one, who did not vote) support the central party policy, they voted to remove Green Belt protection status from several Wilmslow sites when they voted against Amendment 1 at the Special Local Plan meeting, see here on the CEC website: http://bit.ly/1DlRiwX
I suspect that, had a named vote not been demanded, we would never have known how they voted. Read the names of your representatives and ask them if they can explain.
It is time to kick party politics out of local government.

@ Susan Latham- don't forget the Newts in the ditches when it is wet and the Lizards in the grass, when it is dry.
Manuel Golding
Tuesday 13th January 2015 at 7:53 pm
The main and most important element of opposition to development of this site is the very fact it is part of Wilmslow's Green Belt. To obtain planning permission on Green Belt the applicant(s) must demonstrate that the five (5) requirements of Green Belt protection are not met by the particular area. These are that the land in question:-
1) check the unrestricted sprawl of built up areas
2) prevent neighbouring towns/villages etc from merging
3) safeguard the countryside from encroachment
4) assist urban regeneration by encouraging the recycling of derelict & other urban land
5) preserve the setting & special character of historic towns
(I would suggest that 5 is not applicable but the other 4 certainly are)

Jones Homes knows this but prefers to ignore and attempt, at the same time, to drive its diggers and building equipment through this legislation.

Shame on Jones Homes once again.

Not content with destroying the aspects of a number of home owners along Adlington Road by its mass-development there, it is now attempting to inflict the same on home owners the opposite side of the town.

Does this company have no shame? Or, sense of local community?

We at Residents of Wilmslow are totally opposed to this unnecessary but speculative application. We have proven time after time that Wilmslow is well on course for well over the 400 homes required by the CEC LP - perhaps Jones Homes should very seriously consider realigning the groups numerous empty offices in Wilmslow and Handforth to homes.Then it would be acting in the best interests of the community.
Dave Cash
Sunday 25th January 2015 at 3:09 am
Proposed Rotherwood Rd development will be considered today (26th) by WTC Planning Committee at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall, Cliff Rd. The meeting is open to the Public.