Tennis club applies again to install floodlights


Lindow Lawn Tennis Club has submitted another planning application to install floodlights at their Cumber Lane site.

This proposal is for 8 floodlight units mounted on 6 masts, with three installed each side of two out of their three courts. The 8 metre masts will be electrically retractable after each use and retract to 3.5 metres in height when not illuminated.

Initially the Club sought permission to erect eight floodlights to serve their three courts, each of which would be 8 metres high and could be used at all hours. During the course of the application changes were made to the plans so that the lights would be retractable, they would be 8 metres high when in use and 3.5 metres when retracted, and they would serve two rather than three courts.

In December 2012 Cheshire East Council refused planning permission for the floodlights to be installed on the grounds that the proposed lights would have a significant detrimental impact on the amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties due to light spillage, light glare and noise disturbance.

Lindow Tennis Club lodged an appeal against this refusal and submitted revised plans and updated light spillage tables, reflecting the changes, however Cheshire East Council dismissed the appeal on the grounds that the proposal was still considered to have a detrimental impact on the amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties.

This new application, reference 14/2498M, includes the revised plans and updated light spillage tables as well as further changes designed to improve the original and appealed schemes.

According to the design statement submitted with the application "The effect of the careful positioning of the floodlight columns on only those two courts, incorporating modern internal baffles in the lamp housings, using the latest compact light sources with overspill limiting back shields to each lamp housing are most significant when comparing the original planning application's widespread light pollution.

"With the benefit of these technical amendments, it will be seen that this proposal now offers major improvements in the illuminance control of the floodlights, which would no longer create any light pollution impact on the amenity of any of the nearby residential properties whatsoever. No dwellings on the three surrounding residential locations of Cumber Lane, The Lawns or The Coppins would suffer from any loss of amenity from this revised scheme. In fact the light output from the nearby single streetlamp at the entrance of The Coppins is likely to throw more illumination on that access path than low minimal light scatter from the proposed tennis club floodlights."

The maximum hours for the floodlights to be in operations are from 4pm 9.30pm Monday to Saturday and 4pm to 8.30pm on Sundays.

The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planing reference 14/2498M. The deadline for submitting comments is 18th August and a decision is expected by 3rd September.

Wilmslow Town Council's Planning Committee will be considering this application at their meeting on Monday 11th August.

Lindow Lawn Tennis Club, Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Neil Matthews
Thursday 7th August 2014 at 8:56 am
I could be wrong but it seems to me that the planning process in Cheshire East is simply keeping putting an application in until the planning dept give in and you get what you want. It seems to be the way the 'Travellers' work as well...
Rick Andrews
Thursday 7th August 2014 at 9:33 am
I really feel for the local residents, would be interesting to understand why the tennis club needs to play when it's dark.There are facilities for indoor play locally, and 8 metres is ridiculously high and will be a visible nuisance when extended lit or not. Also how and why can a small club afford this expense?
Claire Haworth
Friday 8th August 2014 at 4:36 pm
THANK YOU Rick Andrews! Finally, someone who understands the impact these will have on the family homes surrounding these courts and what the Tennis Club are putting us through, again. I will be greatly affected, living immediately opposite the courts, having done so in peace, quiet and the beauty of autumn/winter dark nights, for the past 11 years. I personally cannot believe I am having to fight this for the 3rd time and am extremely disappointed that the Club have not taken into account any of our very personal reasons why we do not want or need these lights. David Lloyd is 6 miles away where they have an abundance of indoor courts. The location of these floodlights do not fit in with the semi-rural E2 area that is Cumber Lane/The Coppins. Ding dong, here we go again, round 3 - wish us luck. Thanks again for showing common sense and feelings towards the neighbours.
Terry Roeves
Tuesday 12th August 2014 at 4:01 pm
So the tennis club fails. It closes. Developer builds an apartment block there. Rear car park has floodlights.
Think again Claire .........
Claire Haworth
Tuesday 12th August 2014 at 5:34 pm
Lindow is most definitely not 'failing' - drive past it any day! Apartment block on this site - I don't think so- think again Terry .........
Rachel Hurst
Tuesday 12th August 2014 at 7:42 pm
How many residents of Wilmslow could honestly say they would like a floodlight erected 8 meters from their bedroom windows? My bet is not many !