Wilmslow Green Room Theatre has lodged an appeal against the Council's refusal to approve plans for a first floor extension.
They submitted a planning application to enable them to construct a dedicated rehearsal studio above the foyer to allow the cast to start rehearsals earlier, independently of the previous production.
The current building on Chapel Lane does not have a dedicated rehearsal area, which means rehearsals must take place in the same area as performances - so each production has to wait for performances to finish before commencing rehearsals, which limits the numbers of performances which can be presented each season.
In addition to enabling extra productions to be introduced, it was intended that the studio could be used by other organisations.
Cheshire East Council refused to grant planning permission on the grounds that the proposed extension would be overbearing and reduce the extent of sunlight to a neighbouring property, despite recieving no objections to the application.
The Green Room has appealed on the grounds that the proposed development would not be harmful to the objectives of the relevant Macclesfield Borough Local Plan and that the single reason for refusal issued by CEC is "very poorly constructed as it fails to name the specific property which is considered to be impacted upon but it is assumed that the perceived impact would be to the single-storey element of the adjacent property at 83 Chapel Lane which lies to the east of the site".
The appellants claim any impact on the adjacent property would be minimal given the increase in height of the wall facing 83 Chapel Lane is only 2.2 metres and the sunlight would only be affected in the late afternoon/evening.
No objections were received to this planning application, reference 13/0860M. Two residents wrote to support the plans, as did Wilmslow Town Council.
Details of the appeal can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 13/0860M. As part of the appeal process the Green Room Theatre has also re-submitted this application, reference 13/3342M, and applied to erect a free-standing sign (reference 13/3344M).
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
Supporting comments have been borne in mind. The proposed is considered to be acceptable in terms of design and impact on the area and the social and cultural benefits are noted, as well as the site being in a sustainable location. However, the proposed is considered to have a significant impact on the amenities of neighbouring property number 83 due to being overbearing and resulting in a loss of sunlight to the lounge, kitchen and outdoor amenity area. As such, the proposed would not comply with all relevant Development Plan policies and there are no reasons that a departure from policy should be granted. Hence, it is recommended the application be refused.
Unless the design has been changed then I see no reason why the decision should be changed on appeal as it was refused on valid grounds.