Former estate agents could become patisserie


Plans for the change the use of 12 Alderley Road to enable a potential tenant to open a patisserie with a coffee shop above have been approved by Cheshire East Council.

Orbit Investments applied for a change of use from A2 to A1 on the ground floor and A3 on the first floor to create a retail unit with a coffee shop above.

Orbit have been seeking a new tenant for 12 Alderley Road, which was previously occupied by estate agents Spencer Knight. They applied for the change of use as they have a potential client who is very interested in operating a patisserie on the ground floor selling coffee, cold snacks, a selection of savouries and cold sandwiches, with a coffee lounge above.

The hours of operation will be limited to 8am to 6pm on Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm on Saturday and at no time on Sundays or Public Holidays, unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

At this stage it is anticipated that no external changes will be made to the building. 

The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 12/2716M.

Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Chris Hayes
Tuesday 16th October 2012 at 4:30 pm
Just what Wilmslow needs, another coffee shop!
Carole Burton
Wednesday 17th October 2012 at 9:55 am
Not just a coffee shop, a patisserie!! thank goodness, all we have otherwise are supermarket offerings or peter herds, which I'm afraid does not cut the mustard with this family, ok if you want smart wedding cake or bacon barm but not pastries. We should just be grateful that more is moving into Wilmslow instead of the rather empty town we moved to over a year ago! It is deserving of better than closed shop fronts and chain cafes.