Presenter becomes voice of Quarry Bank bench

The Bench Mate in the Mill Meadow at Quarry Bank Mill c National Trust & Emma Williams

The National Trust has immortalised Claudia Winkleman as a talking bench at Quarry Bank Mill.

Today the National Trust unveiled eight benches voiced by celebrities including national treasure Stephen Fry, comedian Miranda Hart and petite presenter Claudia Winkleman. These talking benches are inspired by each of the celebrities and capture areas of natural beauty with their own personal audio odes and anecdotes.

At Quarry Bank Mill, Claudia Winkleman's bespoke bench is part of the national collection which will sit across England, Northern Ireland and Wales, giving listeners a five-minute audio commentary or personal story that brings the surroundings to life – so that visitors can listen to the country's best-known voices as if they were sat next to them.

Claudia Winkleman said: "Quarry Bank Mill is one of the most unique National Trust properties and the only one of its kind within the Trust. It is not a place that is standing still or simply reflecting a moment in time. It's a thriving working community. What you get to discover here is the real story of real people."

Eleanor Underhill, Quarry Bank's General Manager said: "It's great to have Claudia's support for Quarry Bank Mill which is a very special place. I hope many of our visitors will take the time to sit down and listen to her commentary – and go away with a new perspective on this unique industrial heritage site and all it has to offer."

The wooden works of art have taken over six months to produce and are designed to individually reflect each of the celebrities – each engraved with three words their muse has used to describe the setting and subtle carvings that reflect either their masculine or feminine voice.

The other bench mates include Stephen Fry at Felbrigg Hall (Norfolk), Miranda Hart at Cragside (Northumberland), John Sergeant at Petworth House and Park (West Sussex), Alain de Botton at Castle Ward (County Down), Nick Baker at Cotehele (Cornwall), David Gower at Calke Abbey (Derbyshire) and lolo Williams at Dinefwr Park and Castle (Carmarthenshire).

National Trust, Quarry Bank Mill


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Vince Chadwick
Tuesday 31st May 2011 at 2:31 pm
""Quarry Bank Mill is one of the most unique ....". Come on, Claudia. It's either unique or it's not!