Decision due on plans for holiday lodges on Green Belt site


Plans to build 12 holiday lets on the outskirts of Wilmslow are due to be determined by the Northern Planning Committee next week.

In 2021 Mr Cummins has applied for the change of use of the Green Belt agricultural site which forms part of Saltersley Hall Farm and is accessed from Burleyhurst Lane. The fields would then accommodate 12 lodges, which would meet the legal definition of a caravan and therefore not present permanent structures. Each lodge would have a private driveway with parking for 3 cars and additional hardstanding around the lodge.

The Planning Officer is recommending the application (ref 21/3983M) for refusal at the Northern Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday 5th July stating "The proposed development would represent inappropriate development, which reduces openness and encroaches into the countryside. It is not deemed that other material considerations exist to clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt and the other harm identified."

The plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 21/3983M.

Example visual.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Clive Cooksey
Wednesday 28th June 2023 at 4:04 pm
I made a comment years ago in these columns, that I would tell my grandchildren there was once green and pleasant land around Wilmslow. Every day my prediction is coming to fruition. Sooner than I thought, it will just be bricks mortar tiles etc and more and more people scrabbling for doctors, schools, and water etc! Can nobody stop this planning mess by our blue sky thinkers with their town useless plan, before the only grass we see is council grass verges
David Smith
Wednesday 28th June 2023 at 6:36 pm
Nobody in a right mind would look at the image shown here and say it was a caravan.
There are a few clues as to why it isn't.

1. There are NO wheels.
2. Even if it had some it would take a tank to tow it along the road.
3. Anyway, assuming it could be got onto the nearest road it would be too wide and occupy both carriageways.
4. The only suitable road would be a motorway where it would block all 3 lanes and cause enormous traffic jams.
5. It doesn't look like any caravan I have seen and certainly nothing like the one, with seagulls dancing on the roof, we had a family holiday in near Rhyl when I was 8 years old.

So will the planning people get their act together and refuse this application or prove to the rest of us that you don’t have a clue, are governed and misguided by pathetic ‘rules’ that anyone can bypass to get what they want - all totally against the spirit of how the community you represent is supposed to evolve and become the sort of place in which most of us wish to live.
Terry Roeves
Wednesday 28th June 2023 at 7:05 pm
A lodge isn’t a caravan. Wot no wheels?
Try towing this behind a car on the M6 and see how far you would get!
Simon Worthington
Thursday 29th June 2023 at 6:12 am
Objected to by people who drive to holiday lodges elsewhere!
Mark Goldsmith
Thursday 29th June 2023 at 9:12 am
Before people get too upset, the planning officer is recommending refusal for this application.

Normally, recommended refusals do not go to the Northern Planning committee. Instead, the councillor withdraws their request for the hearing (their Call-In), so the officers decision to refuse stands unhindered.

However, I suspect this is still going ahead because of the change in Mobberley councillors. The previous councillor would have ‘Called-In’ this application but the new councillor may not have the power to withdraw it or else they are not yet up to speed to do so.

However, with the planning officer recommending refusal, I would be staggered if the committee overruled them to approve it.

Cllr Mark Goldsmith
Residents of Wilmslow
Wilmslow West & Chorley
Mark Goldsmith
Tuesday 4th July 2023 at 10:23 am
I have just heard the applicant has withdrawn this, so it will not be judged by Northern Planning or the planning officer.

Essentially, the idea has been abandoned by the applicant.

While, it means there is no formal refusal, it also means there is no course of appeal either.

Therefore, this proposal is definitely not happening.
Helen Battilana
Tuesday 4th July 2023 at 1:52 pm
Brilliant news that this ridiculous application has been withdrawn.