Decision due on plans for 34 retirement apartments near town centre


Plans to demolish two large houses close to Wilmslow town centre and replace them with 34 retirement apartments in a three storey building are due to be determined by the Northern Planning Committee next week.

The scheme includes a Lodge Manager's office and reception, communal facilities, guest suite, car parking and landscaping.

Churchill Retirement Living are seeking planning permission to demolish two detached homes at 17 & 19 Holly Road South and build 23 one, 10 two-bed and a three-bedroom apartment along with 16 parking spaces and communal facilities.

The application states that apartments will be sold with a lease restricting occupation to someone aged 60 years or over with a spouse or partner of at least 55 years.

Wilmslow Town Council recommend refusal on the grounds of inadequate parking provision and 45 objections were received from 17 addresses.

Local MP Esther McVey also object on behalf of residents on the grounds that the proposal is 3 storeys tall and more dominant than other new developments on Holly Road South, lack of parking spaces and the development will bring a significant volume of traffic and there are safety risks associated with that.

The Planning Officer is recommending the amended proposals for refusal, at the Northern Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday 15th February, on the following grounds.

1. The proposals fail to provide on-site affordable housing or open space and does not provide a mechanism to secure requisite affordable housing, health and Open space and recreation contributions towards off site provision and therefore fail to comply with the NPPF and Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy policy IN2, SE6, SC2 and SC5.

2. Insufficient information has been submitted with the application in order to assess adequately the impact of the proposed development on existing trees on site. In the absence of this information, it has not been possible to demonstrate that the proposal would comply with Cheshire East Local Plan Policy SE5 and policy ENV 6 of the Site Allocations and Development Plan Document.

Plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 22/2347M.

Churchill Retirement Living


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Roger Bagguley
Tuesday 7th February 2023 at 3:49 pm
At RoW we are fully behind the officer in recommending refusal for the reasons stated. Space and Affordable housing have to be insisted upon in all applications.
Alan Brough
Wednesday 8th February 2023 at 12:28 pm
Sixteen parking spaces for 34 apartments seems questionable. Residents, staff and visitors will likely require many more than that.
John Featherstone
Thursday 9th February 2023 at 2:38 pm
should have at least 34 parking spaces but same as usual MONEY MONEY MONEY lets see how many parking spaces they actually make ??????????
Anita Willoughby
Friday 10th February 2023 at 9:41 am
Is it all about parking space rather than garden space? There will be consequences to this continued erosion in the long run.
Ryan Dance
Saturday 11th February 2023 at 6:24 pm
Not sure why more retirement apartments are needed given the oversupply. This coming From a pro development resident…not an anti-anything one. The anti wilmslow anything vociferous crew represented on here object to everything. They want empty shops rather than “another cafe”.

Just say you don’t want this development rather than the usual “car parking clap trap”. Don’t forget the planning department at Cheshire east ignore your usual nimby mentality rubbish spurted anyway. Over the years I’ve been here, I’ve read it all while they continue to concrete over wilmslow.… “lack of car parking”, “traffic will increase”, “overdevelopment of the site”, “it’s out of keeping”, “loss of wildlife habitat”, “loss of privacy”.. just be honest. Don’t hide by a pretend intellectual stance that even the most dense planning officer would see straight through. Get a sensible planning policy that allows sensible development. The current planning wait is over 7- 9 months to get a decision on a simple house extension all while rishi is trying to turbo charge growth. Irony. Doomed with this lot in charge and the nimby crew in town.
Alan Brough
Sunday 12th February 2023 at 7:46 am
You okay Ryan? Need a hug?
Pete Wright
Sunday 12th February 2023 at 11:57 am
I see trees are getting plenty of attention rather than the concerns of local residents, but on the parking issue alone this proposal should be refused. I wonder how many developers are told their applications will be rejected unless they include underground parking in their plans, probably none
Ryan Dance
Monday 13th February 2023 at 5:30 am
I’m cool Alan, you okay? Or still crying or a few parking spaces on a development that will remain empty / under occupied for years (like chapelwood).
David Smith
Monday 13th February 2023 at 9:14 pm
I think the car parking is just right. The spaces are just for visitors.
The future for this sort of town centre development should ONLY be for residents who want a life WITHOUT a car and happy to settle close to a town centre within short walking distance and most facilities/entertainment. Plus the train station isn't far away for other destinations. If we had a comprehensive mini-bus service going round town at decent intervals with a bus stop outside these types of residences it would make them more attractive. Or the money saved on not having a car would cover taxi fares. Shopping is now delivered like many other purchases.
Don't laugh - there are plenty of folk living longer who CANNOT drive for various reasons or have just gone off the idea of having a vehicle, petrol or electric. This could be YOU one day. Imagine that - how on earth are you going to live without your motor and far away from everything, your other half has died and your children have emigrated or live in London? An old folk’s home I hear you say? Check out the cost of a rabbit hutch lifestyle in one of those!

I wouldn’t want many more of this sort of development however.
The principal of knocking down a few rather nice houses in a lovely residential area changes the feel of a locality and the planners need to be carful.