Wilmslow High School donates equipment to support the NHS

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Last week Wilmslow High School responded to a request from the the NHS in Stockport for personal protective equipment as they were desperately needed for their doctors, nurses and social care workers.

On Tuesday1st March, Science technician Mrs Unsworth delivered 45 new pairs of safety glasses, 40 all in one overalls, 600 blue disposable overshoes, 800 pair of gloves and 150 disposable plastic aprons to Viaduct Care in Stockport on behalf of the school,

Wilmslow High School also recievd a similar appeal from the NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group which they are hoping to be able to support.

Wilmslow High School


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Roger Bagguley
Sunday 5th April 2020 at 1:28 pm
Excellent response from WHS. Well done.