Cheshire East Council has confirmed that as of today (Thursday, 2nd April) all waste collections – garden, food, recycling and non-recyclables are being collected on their normal scheduled days.
A spokesperson for the Council said "We may arrive at different times of day - our crews are being helped by employees from parts of the organisation and they are not familiar with the routes."
Cheshire East has requested that residents help during these challenging times by:
• putting your bin out as close to the road as possible on your usual bin collection day.
• wiping down the handles and lids of your bins when you put them out and again when you bring them in.
• being understanding if we miss your bin.
• giving a wave and a smile when you see us.
In households where someone has a confirmed or suspected case (who are self isolating) of COVID-19, your used tissues and disposable cloths from cleaning surfaces
• Should be put in a plastic rubbish bag and tied when full.
• The plastic bag should then be placed in a second bin bag and tied.
• It should be put in a suitable and secure place and store the waste for 72 hours before putting it out for collection.
A spokesperson for the Council said "This is to minimise the risk to collection operatives of being in contact with any waste that may infect them or exposing the atmosphere during the collections process."
However, due to the current pressure on the waste collection service the Council is temporarily suspending bin deliveries for both replacement and new properties.
If you did not have bins the Council requests that you take the following action:
• Black bin (non-recyclable) - place your waste out on your collection day in tied black bin bags.
• Silver bin (recycling) - place your recycling out on your collection day in a clear sack if you have one (use carrier bags if you don't).
• Brown/green (garden/food) - please put in with non-recyclables.
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