Rod Menlove appointed to Cheshire East cabinet

Rod Menlove Jun 07-2

Wilmslow south councillor Rod Menlove has been appointed to Cheshire East Council’s cabinet, replacing David Brickhill who resigned on Tuesday for health reasons. 

Councillor Wesley Fitzgerald, Leader of Cheshire East Council said “Councillor Menlove will take over as portfolio holder for environmental services with immediate effect - Councillor Menlove has been working in the position of Cabinet support member and is ideally suited for the role.”

As portfolio holder for environmental services the councillor’s responsibilities include waste and refuse disposal, roads(excluding motorways), car parks, street lighting, street cleansing, cemeteries and crematoria. 

Councillor Menlove, 66, has been a Wilmslow resident for over 20 years, he became a Macclesfield Borough councillor in May 2007, he is a governor at Styal Primary School and over recent years has been an activist on local issues. 

He lives with his wife Sue and has two grown up children, both of which attended Wilmslow High School where Rod Menlove was actively involved with the PTA at the time, and two grandchildren. His hobbies include rugby union, politics, history and jazz.

Councillor Menlove is strongly committed to improving the living environment in Wilmlsow and in the short term has been addressing issues such as: commuter parking in residential areas, the clutter caused by redundant road signage, over-development of residential housing and the appearance of the town centre.

Looking to the future some of the issues the councillor is keen to tackle include: “minimising residual waste with a resident friendly collection service, reducing energy usage at Cheshire East properties in order to set the standard for our public sector partners and encourage innovative methods for upgrading the poor state of our inherited roads and footways - recognising that the grants from the government are never enough.”

He told us “Wilmslow has grown rapidly and some are unsure they like the way our town has developed. In the immediate term I wish to consider with all interested parties what they want their town to be like in the future.”

“I meet with our local police regularly, join the Wilmslow Business Group and chair the Wilmslow Forum. Additionally there are some groups of local residents I meet on a regular basis and I am always happy to meet with individuals when they want to see me.”

Councillor Menlove added “I recognise that the portfolio covers a great many areas that affect residents on a daily basis. It is both a huge challenge and a fantastic opportunity. I hope I am up to it and I give my commitment to do my best for all residents, regardless of political persuasion.”

Councillor Menlove’s appointment will be formally notified to Council on January 25th.

Share your opinion on the key issues which need to be tackled to improve the living environment in Wilmslow by completing the comment box below.

Cheshire East Council, Rod Menlove, Wesley Fitzgerald