Volunteers fill another 35 bags of litter

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So far this month volunteers from Wilmslow Clean Team have removed 35 bags of litter, along with 5 hits cabs from the town.

On Wednesday, 2nd August, 18 bags and 3 hubcaps were collected by 10 volunteers who covered the whole of Altrincham Road between the Waters roundabout and the entrance to the Airport tunnels. They also litter picked part of Morley Green Road and the roads behind the Airport Inn.

Then on Saturday, 5th August, 10 volunteers met at the Parish Hall, two of whom then drove over to cover Prestbury Road (between Leaside Way and Hough Lane) and Hough Lane (between Prestbury Road and Macclesfied Road). The other 8 covered the area around the Parish Hall including Kings Road, the Carrs, Broadway, the railway station, the Leisure Centre and Cliff Road. A total of 15 bags of litter and 2 hub caps were collected.

A spokesperson for Wilmslow Clean Team said "Wilmslow Fire Brigade have started are running a new initiative to talk to shop keepers (and landlords) in Wilmslow to discuss a recent increase in arson and anti-social fire incidents. They asked for the Clean Team to become involved too.

"One area that is particularly bad is Grove Way. Much of the problem lies with private property at the back of premises. We have reported this to Ansa as well as it needs a proper clean up to stop it becoming an even greater fire risk. The Clean Team collected 2 bags around this area on Tuesday 1st August."

Wilmslow Clean Team were set up in October 2013 and started their litter picking events in the December. Since then they have collected 1943 bags of litter.

Wilmslow Clean Team


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

John Clegg
Wednesday 9th August 2017 at 6:27 pm
When I go out and about, I often see plastic bottles and tin cans lying in the gutter.
For pure devilment, I pick' em up and take them home to put in the grey bin. It's usually 5 items on each trip.

I expect that people who drop this stuff also laugh at dolphins, turtles, fish and the like choking on this rubbish.
Of course, not all of it gets washed out to sea.
And, anyway, it's hardly like to be the bottle you discarded. Is it?.
Jon Williams
Wednesday 9th August 2017 at 6:46 pm
Volunteers doing council work again !
Peter Davenport
Wednesday 9th August 2017 at 8:40 pm
For the last 5 years we have cleared a section of Adlington Road, Dean Row Road and Cross lane.
The only activity we have seen was the day before the show at Dean Row village Hall, about Heathfield Farm. And also at least 10 years worth of rubbish disappeared from Browns Lane at the same time.
A coincidence?????????? Cheshire East???, as we have never seen anyone else doing this. Proof that it was professional, was that all week, there were immensely long blackberry tendrils in the morning along the path, and by the evening, not only were they cut back, but were not there. No private person would be bothered to remove these.
Deleted Account
Thursday 10th August 2017 at 6:49 am
A fair number of the wrappers on Ringstead Drive Summerfields Village comes from Lidl and Subway alas.

Its pure laziness. There's no other excuse for it.

In fact it got so bad The Wilmslow Clean Team came up and cleared it.

In response to a request from Village Mews Residents Association, CE did sort the litter and the fly tipping out on the north bound A34 but I see its coming back . . .
Sara Richardson
Thursday 10th August 2017 at 9:12 am
Jon Williams - not doing the work of the council but of all the selfish individuals who can't be bothered to take their own crisp packets, beer bottles and poo bags to a bin
Anne Greenhalgh
Thursday 10th August 2017 at 11:48 pm
When I was growing up in Wilmslow, of which I was immensely proud, you very rarely saw litter, now however it has turned into a inner city dump! What happened to pride of your surroundings. My children were always taught to put their litter in their pockets or bin in a local receptacle which they did, they are now 35 & 25 & I am proud to say they still follow what was instilled in them. What happened to street cleaners? We as kids used to chat to them & they were proud of their jobs & we loved them. As kids we spent a lot of time down the Carrs with our jam sandwiches & our plastic flasks of squash, we would never dream of leaving our rubbish so why can't people respect that now!
Chris Neill
Friday 11th August 2017 at 6:56 am
Thankyou for a great job Clean Team. There will always be a few low life's who don't care if they spoil special places. Fortunately there are more of the good guys about like these diligent volunteers who care, and work for the benefit of our community.