Discount retailer submits plans for 50% bigger foodstore

A discount retailer has submitted a planning application to demolish a local gym and their existing store so they can replace it with a new larger store.

Lidl have applied to build a new foodstore at Summerfields Village Centre immediately adjacent to their existing store, on the site currently occupied by the energi Fitness Club.

Supporting documentation states "A detailed survey of the existing store has been undertaken in order to identify the scope of works required to bring the store up to Lidl's high company standards. Due to the extensive works required, it has been found to be more cost and time-effective to replace the existing foodstore and build a brand new, up-to-date building.

"This decision has also been heavily influenced by the availability of the neighbouring Energie Fitness Club, with the current site owners being prepared to dispose of the site to Lidl to facilitate the development of a new Lidl store."

The replacement store will be approximately twice the scale of the existing Lidl store, with 2,480m2 gross floorspace, and be served by a total of 137 parking spaces, including six disabled and eight parent and child spaces, together with cycle parking facilities.

The new store will offer an identical range of goods to the existing store, along with an expansion of the bakery product lines following the introduction of an in-store bakery.

The additional sales floorspace will allow for wider aisles, larger product displays and more spacious circulation area on entry to the store, whilst the extra non-sales floorspace will provide for a large pallet freezer, bakery preparation area, customer toilets, more generous storage space and improved staff accommodation.

The company says the delivery of a brand-new building will also enable a range of energy efficient technologies to be adopted.

If planning permission is granted then Lidl proposes to phase the development so the existing store will remain in operation whilst the new store is constructed and will cease trading and be demolished to provide car parking on the opening of the replacement store.

All existing members of staff will be transferred to the new store and it is expected that two additional full-time and 10 to 15 additional part-time jobs will be created.

The new Lidl store will be single storey, lower in height when than the existing 2-storey fitness club building, and will generally occupy the footprint of the existing fitness club. The store entrance will face towards the neighbouring retail parade, with customer car parking provided between the new and existing buildings.

The replacement store's opening hours will be 7am to 10pm Monday to Saturdays and for a six-hour period between 10am and 5pm on Sundays. Whilst the existing store car park is available for customers to use free of charge for up to 60 minutes, this period of time will be extended to 90 minutes when the new store is opened.

Lidl UK's Regional Head of Property, Stuart Jardine, commented: "Our current Wilmslow store is extremely popular but is no longer able to meet the needs of our customers. An opportunity has arisen to purchase the property currently occupied by the Energie Fitness Club, which means that we can improve our retail offering in Wilmslow."

Stuart Jardine added: "A new, more modern store will allow us to stock a wider range of products and improve the shopping experience for our customers. The proposed new store is only metres away from the current store, which will result in a smooth transition for our regular customers."

Some local residents who have got together to fight Lidl's plans to build a larger store, saying it will be closer to more homes and result in noise and light pollution, loss of privacy and loss of greenery. They are meeting with Tatton MP Esther McVey at the site later this week to discuss their concerns.

Lidl's planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 17/3208M. The last date for submitting comments is 31st August and a decision is expected by 22nd September.

Energie Fitness, Lidl, Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Clive Cooksey
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 5:05 pm
Good luck to them. The store is so successful its even over flowed on a Monday morning, never mind the rest of the week. If they can fill my shopping basket for a third of the prices of other nearby competitors, then they had better get a grip of there prices also.
Julian Barlow
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 5:06 pm
A quick look at the Lidl online store locator reveals that within a 6 mile radius there are already 3 Lidl stores. Within the same radius there are 4 Aldi stores, 4 Waitrose stores, 5 Sainsbury's stores and 12 Tesco stores. That's a grand total of 28 supermarkets, many of which are with walking distance of each other. Clearly our town is crying out for further expansion of the existing Lidl site lest we should starve to death.
Tony Chester
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 5:26 pm
I am a member of this gym, and to lose it would be devastating for me. I struggle to socialise myself, and to go to this gym is my 'escape' from everyday life. I love going here, it's not too big, it's friendly and welcoming, you get treated with respect, and everyone is like one big family. In this day and age, with obesity, keeping fit is an important part of life, yes people need food to live, but why do we need another supermarket? We have a Waitrose and Sainsburys only a mile down the road, and in the other direction is a big Tesco, and Marks and Spencer, is that not enough? What's wrong with the Lidl that we have now? It's pure greed on Lidl's part, that's all. And to lose all the businesses located in the gym will be devastating for their owners. Lidl will have a fight on their hands in they think they can just go ahead and knock the gym down.
Nik Eastwood
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 5:49 pm
Tony Chester you are not getting another supermarket, so the amount of supermarkets in the area will stay the same
Laurie Atterbury
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 5:59 pm
Lidl are expanding for one reason and that is to increase their market share. This will mean more congestion and pollution.Summerfields is a village and needs just a village store, no more than that thankyou Lidl. Much is made of the new jobs being created. What about the loss of jobs and small businesses at Energie? Wilmslow is becoming an island surrounded by airport expansion, recycling applications at Styal prison, roadworks North, West and South , warehouses like Amazon and I think enough is enough. Thanks for the heads up Lisa, I'll be sending in my objection to this planning application.
Laurie Atterbury
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 6:24 pm
Sorry in my comments earlier I meant to refer to roadworks being North, West and East as you can only get out of Wilmslow by going South.
Suzanne Walford
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 6:42 pm
Lidl can't even staff the current store - I've stopped popping in because there were never more than 2 (3 on a very good day) tills that were staffed and long queues. The gym provides a great social facility at a price that's more reasonable than some others in the area and provides space for a number of very handy small businesses that I feel are more valuable to the community at large than a larger supermarket in an area that's already incredibly well served by large supermarkets.
Laurie Atterbury
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 6:51 pm
6 tills and on a good day just 3 of them staffed so why do they need to expand when the existing tills are not fully used?
Lesley Seddon
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 6:51 pm
Allegedly, the gym has sold the site to Lidl already. It's a shame as (allegedly) nobody working at the gym, or any of the businesses within the gym were told beforehand. A poor way to treat employees and business partners.
Estelle Lewis
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 7:38 pm
If the gym was profitable it wouldn't be on the market. It's the same as some folks complaining about the local bus being taken out of use. I'd observed it several times driving around with 3 or 4 passengers yet dozens of people are fighting for it to remain in use - every business has to make a profit - simple. As for Lidl expanding - good, it's a well patronised store, the tills are not fully manned (I imagine) to keep down costs. I shop there regularly, prices are good and before anyone asks - no, I don't have shares in the company, but I HAVE been in business (though it doesn't take a genius to work out the above!)
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 8:49 pm
Estelle - the gym does not own the site - they lease it. So it doesn't mean that the gym is "not profitable" if the freehold has been sold.
Paul Tracey
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 9:50 pm
Unfortunately, it is simply business, and Energie do not own the land. Lidl have obviously done the maths, and they will prosper. It is very sad that we lose a gym, and the other businesses within, but, they must have known this could happen at any time by not owning the freehold. The gym is a business, as is Lidl.

You could argue a case for blaming the gym owners for not purchasing the freehold, but, we are not privy to how much that cost, or whether they were given the option.
Deleted Account
Thursday 3rd August 2017 at 1:16 am
Hello Estelle,

Theres no doubt that the Lidl (& Aldi) trading ethos is sound enough.

Together they've given modern food retailing a much needed shot in the arm.

There's a but coming . . .

What isn't sound though is to build a 50% bigger, very modern store right next to existing homes on all three sides.

Unlike the Energie Gym which is quiet, has minimal deliveries, sheilded with mature trees in its own grounds and built to blend in with its neighbours the new Lidl store could not be more opposite if it tried.

Look at the plans and the specification. Witness the proposed Lidl delivery bay which will be metres from bedroom windows.

And, if you are still in any doubt go look at other new Lidl stores.

At least the existing Lidl store is built of brick and is in a shopping parade where it should stay and if really needed, extended.

So readers before its too late, exercise your free democratic right & stand up against yet more brutal new development.

Register your thoughts on the Cheshire East planning web site now.


Village Mews Residents Association
Sandra Cox
Thursday 3rd August 2017 at 7:01 am
Experience tells us that Lidl will build their new store whatever the objections so can this battle be fought in an effort to minimise the effect on the residents living nearby? It is dreadful that their homes and enjoyment of their properties should be blighted by greed and do planning/building regulations allow all of what is proposed in its present form? It might be worth going into the detail of this rather than trying to prevent what I suspect is a done deal between CE and Lidl.
Pam Edis
Thursday 3rd August 2017 at 7:25 am
Sad to see a reasonably priced gym that encourages a wide range of people, including older members, to keep fit.
The excellent classes and pool will be sadly missed and unfortunately will be irreplaceable for many.
Thursday 3rd August 2017 at 7:39 am
"What I suspect is done deal between CE and Lidl". Have to agree that our spineless Council cave in at the slightest whiff of money entering their pockets. Yes it will come down to the detail and, in fact, the detail looks remarkably like that submitted for Bollin Park. It appears that Summerfields is on a good bus route. Who knew? Certainly not residents of the area or the bus company of the remaining bus. That Quarry Bank mill is only 9 minutes away by car - maybe at midnight will all lights on green and no cars present; and the distances to the railway stations seem to shrink with every application which are submitted. So all in all the upfront paperwork submitted looks to have been given the usual "nod and wink". Meanwhile what is actually being proposed is the construction of a warehouse style utilitarian building close to established homes.
Paul Roue
Thursday 3rd August 2017 at 8:25 am
Obviously, the comment from the gentleman saying that he fills his basket at a cheap price does not live in the area where the store is being built. How would he like a larger supermarket in his front garden?
Jon Armstrong
Thursday 3rd August 2017 at 10:15 am
"That Quarry Bank mill is only 9 minutes away by car - maybe at midnight will all lights on green and no cars present;"

Really? I live within spitting distance from Bollin Park and go to Styal all the time and it never takes more than that sort of time. Perhaps it wouldn't be 9 minutes at 08:00 in rush hour, but who goes to Quarry Bank Mill at 08:00?
Deleted Account
Thursday 3rd August 2017 at 11:25 am
Thank you everybody for taking the time to provide your support against Lidl's plans for the Energie Gym site.

Those that have seen the plans will see the inaccuracies in the raft of information Lidl provide to support their application.

Apart from the wild travel assumptions, they fail to address that it's not appropriate (or fair) to embed a big brash supermarket right next to homes.

And as for claims about. ' Lidl Landscaping' and Lidl 'protecting the environment ' go look at the meagre shrubs they've stuck in at their other new stores to appease the planners.

So readers we urge you, protect your town & record your opposition on the Cheshire East planning site. Before it's too late...

Thank you.

Village Mews Residents Association
Chris Chadwick
Thursday 3rd August 2017 at 3:26 pm
Reading all the comments detailing what an asset the Gym is to the community, is there any way that it could be made an Asset of Community Value? This is usually granted to pubs but can also be awarded to sports and leisure facilities under threat of demolition and redevelopment.
Dave Cash
Friday 4th August 2017 at 2:05 am
Energie freeholder has decided to sell to Lidl, who wish to expand their discount store within combined property footprint, to improve Lidl market share over Aldi et al.
No Green Belt has been lost.
Planning permission should consider proximity of residential housing and increased traffic, as per Waitrose, Sainsbury et al in Wilmslow.
I would argue that Summerfield/Wilmslow requires at least one discount supermarket, to provide some competion.
Deleted Account
Saturday 5th August 2017 at 9:23 pm
Hello Dave Cash,

You say that "... Summerfields Wilmslow requires at least one discount supermarket, to provide some competition"

It already has one in the form of the existing Lidl store

It' s in the shopping parade next to the mini Tesco, perfectly adequate as a local store and dare I say it, it's where it belongs with the other small retail units it complements.

If this big new brash 50% bigger Lidl store gets built right in the middle of the Chamberlain / Colshaw / Tiverton Drive area it will be to

(1) detriment of homes that have quiet enjoyment of the gym and its gardens

(2) increased traffic and pollution which is harmful to health

(3) overall net job losses at the gym

(4) the loss of a much needed community recreational facility than yet more aisles of cakes, chocolates and cheeses.

(5) Noise, dirt and disruption as one building goes to rubble and the new Lidl rises.

If you are still not convinced Dave, then have a read of the groundswell of public opinion on the CE planning website which is saying very clearly :-

"No to Lidl & Yes to Energie !"
Dave Cash
Sunday 6th August 2017 at 2:48 am
#Martin, Energie have decided to sell up & relinquish their Lease. Lidl have acquired the site to expand their local outlet. Something Tesco or any business could have considered.
Many people now regard discount supermarkets as viable alternatives to the Top 5.
Neighbours can only object on planning grounds.
Locally we expect The Rifleman pub to be soon demolished to be replaced by 8 apartments.
Sunday 6th August 2017 at 10:16 am
You are correct Dave that you can only object on planning grounds. One planning ground is harm to existing residential amenity. If you look at the original application for the row of shops and the gym you see the reasons given for how it is now - and repeated over and over again is the statement "in the interests of residential amenity". So what has changed since the late 1990's to mean that "residential amenity" should be disregarded? What has changed to mean the trees and landscape are no longer needed when they were there "in the interests of residential amenity? What has changed from demanding a row of shops and gym which are brick built with pitched roofs to thinking that a flat roofed large warehouse style supermarket is now acceptable?
Deleted Account
Monday 7th August 2017 at 3:43 am
Hello Dave Cash

Jackie Pass (as always) is absolutely right, indeed what then has happened to "in the interests of residential amenity" ?

And for that matter what has happened to quiet enjoyment and a community recreational amenity?

All sound and solid reasons to appeal.

Really sorry to see The Rifleman Pub going.

You say it's ".... to be replaced by 8 apartments" (I did't know the original plans for town houses been changed in favour of flats) Is that

Incidentally check the facts out first please but I understand that Energie had no option but to relinquish their lease?
Ryan Dance
Monday 7th August 2017 at 6:30 am
Clutching at straws again Jackie? Not sure if you had noticed but it's 2017....not 1990.....I see your obsession with flat roofs has resurfaced?
Kathryn Blackburn
Monday 7th August 2017 at 2:47 pm
Jackie is quite rightly referring to the planning rules not having altered in respect of residents amenity from 1990 to 2017 and yet again that seems to be being ignored during the planning stages. Ryan do keep up or keep off.
Ryan Dance
Monday 7th August 2017 at 6:58 pm
Kathryn..we no longer live in 1990.
It's 2017? We've had a war. A recession...a net gain of circa .6m people to the uk...7 summer Olympics...the internet revolution .. to name but a few... but don't worry 1990s policy you continue to spout is about as relevant as the walkman.
Deleted Account
Monday 7th August 2017 at 7:17 pm
Hi Ryan,

. . . and when every building within a square 1 mile of here is of traditional construction with a dual pitch roof what developer with any degree of neighbourhood awareness would want to build something prefabricated with a flat roof ?!

Possibly the same one which wants planning permission to bulldoze a popular and needed recreational facility. . .

Even the current Lidl up on the shopping parade is brick built like the houses around here and has a normal pitched roof.

So thanks Jackie, for as ever, your research and sound advice.
Kathryn Blackburn
Tuesday 8th August 2017 at 7:35 am
Ryan until the planning LAW is altered as with all other LAWS it stands and the planning authority should abide by it. Cheshire East Council are NOT fully applying the LAW as it still stands. I take it Ryan you abide by the laws of this land ? No matter what the year was when that law was established ? Your comment therefore rather facile no ?
Roger Bagguley
Tuesday 8th August 2017 at 9:37 am
I recently commented that the term sustainable vis the Local Plan has been replaced with 'quality.' Not much quality of life for neighbours of this proposed development. No sustainability either as in this world businesses and warehouses come and go at the whim of the market. 28 similar food outlets within 6 miles simply emphasises the folly of all that is happening in the pursuit of profit. Here today, gone tomorrow.

But everyday people must be grateful that this process provides food, jobs, and so close to home assuming the salaries afford the housing. Ryan is happy and Jon can still get to Styal in 9 minutes maximum. Just been on a Driver Speed Awareness training course and think Jon might just be breaking the law. A law that has been in place since time but Ryan might think should now be broken as it is not appropriate to life in 2017.

Still think the'For Mash get Smash' advertisement of many years ago sums it all up perfectly.
Simon Worthington
Tuesday 8th August 2017 at 10:53 am
As I understand the vendor of the land (hold your nose as usual when this mob is involved) own the rest of the parade of shops and chucked up all the neaby houses as cheaply as possible. This parade was long fought for as a local amenity as there was no facility within walking distance. It was never meant to be a destination retail facilty or have a car dealer using the carparking. However as the vendor rarely sells their commercial property and appears to have unloaded quickly and with a guarantee of vacancy the smell gets stronger. Have the gym owners been made an offer they couldn't refuse? Does the vendor know something we don't?
However, it would make sense for Lidl to expand into the adjacent car park and for the frequently boarded up boozer to be demolished for parking. This would leave the gym etc unmolested.
A further point for Lidl to consider - a significant number of well heeled gym users also use the opportunity to shop at Lidl, Will they continue to use Lidl? When (hopefully) Aldi move into either Sainsburys or Waitrose in Wilmslow will anyone drive to Lidl or will it become a corner shop for locals?
Jon Armstrong
Tuesday 8th August 2017 at 2:55 pm
The Styal is 2.7 miles from my house. To complete the journey in 9 minutes I would only need to be travelling at an average of 18 miles per hour, which is hardly difficult when around half the journey is on national speed limit roads where you can travel considerably faster than that. How slow do you drive it? Clearly you drive faster to other places unless you went on a speed awareness course for fun. Are there any other baseless accusations you wish to throw around?

Since at least on your argument about the number of supermarkets you have attempted to introduce some actual facts, you may also wish to consider comparing how many gyms there are within 6 miles of the same location. I'm sure this would, however, only weaken your case as you would surely find a similar number of gyms, and certainly the per head of population figure that use the supermarkets compared to the gyms would be considerably higher.
Roger Bagguley
Tuesday 8th August 2017 at 4:24 pm

Pleased to hear unlike me you stick within the speed limits. (I stuck to the limits on my way home from the course but being a reformed character did not go down well with those forming the queue behind me!). I assume you do stop at the various junctions en route to Styal. I just think the whole thing going on around Wilmslow and Handforth etc. is crazy and feel so sorry for those who have to pay the price for all of this profiteering.
Lorraine Smith
Wednesday 9th August 2017 at 9:06 pm
Could someone provide the web address for objections to the East Cheshire planning application re the Lidl re-development at Summerfields. Thank you.

Is there any history of Lidl being refused a major planning application in the last 5 years in this area (other than for signage)?
Sandra Cox
Thursday 10th August 2017 at 8:01 am
Lorraine - there is probably a better way but if you put 'cheshire east planning' in google (or whatever!) and then click on 'view planning applications' you can enter the planning number (17/3208M) in the box and it will lead you to the Lidl planning application which has a section for comments.
Laurie Atterbury
Friday 11th August 2017 at 7:32 am
Summerfields is a village and is signposted as such. Therefore it only needs village shops. It really is that simple.
Jon Williams
Friday 11th August 2017 at 8:43 am
Summerfields is not a village, it Wilmslow !
Friday 11th August 2017 at 10:27 am
It is called "Summerfields Village" and they are defined as "Neighbourhood shops" - not town centre shops. They were part of the development of Summerfields to cater for the needs of Summerfields.
Janet Taylor
Friday 11th August 2017 at 12:54 pm
Sorry but what short memories you people have......unless it suits, much needed social housing was demolished to create this facility but I guess that's OK because they were only council houses.

The development isn't surrounded by houses on three sides, only on one, the other sides are car parking, roads and verges. The Lidl store will certainly cause no more disruption for Summerfields residents than it does now.

Lidl is a very popular store and even when all the tills are open, yes it does happen, there are still enormous queues, hopefully the new store will include basket only or self serve tills to ease the congestion.
Friday 11th August 2017 at 2:49 pm
Janet - the row of shops was on the site of the old Grammar school and its playing fields.
Janet Taylor
Friday 11th August 2017 at 6:15 pm
Thanks for proving you haven't got a clue what you're talking about. The gym and adjacent houses are built on a row of council houses, Howty Close now stands where the opposing block was, 3 bedroomed townhouses, all demolished to build the shops development. Perhaps if you're going to speak with such authority, you should do your homework. I went to the grammar school, I remember the green space before the Summerfields estate was built.
Friday 11th August 2017 at 7:39 pm
Janet - see their "Site Investigation" dated 28/7/17 page 4 and 5 on the planning portal. Perhaps you like to advise the applicant to "do their homework?".
Deleted Account
Friday 11th August 2017 at 7:58 pm
Hi Janet Taylor,

Homes on Three Sides :-

As we looked out of the window ten minutes ago there definitely
was housing on three sides that you seemingly are not aware of. (Your post 11 August @ 1154 hrs refers)

Here are the homes on three sides that are being threatened by the Lidl plans

(1) 1 to 25 Chamberlain Drive Village Mews SK9 2SN

(2) 14 to 45 Tiverton Drive Village Mews SK9 2TJ

(3) 3 cul de sacs off Colshaw Drive Colshaw Farm SK9 2PZ

Howty Close Colshaw Farm :-

And actually you are wrong about Howty Close too and Jackie Pass is, as ever right of course. She really has "done her homework"

Chamberlain Drive SK9 2SN is built on what were the derelict town houses on Howty Close.

They had south facing back gardens and the higher numbers backed on to 1- 45 Summerfields Village Court Ringstead Drive before they were demolished.

We should know. We live here & to this day we are still finding brick ends in our gardens from the town houses.

All the best,

Martin Kitchin
Janet Taylor
Friday 11th August 2017 at 9:18 pm
Between the gym/new lidl and Shellbrook/Redbrook/Blackden Walks there is a road and car parks, my house is one of the closest to the site and it won't make any difference to me what's there. Between the site and Summerfields is a car park a nursery a road and a guge brick wall won't make any difference to them either. The gym car park is always rammed so obviously people are travelling to it by car.

The townhouses on Howty Close are now a road as it says in my comment but the houses and gym are built on a terrace of 2 bedroomed houses, if Jones built the properties with those still in place, he's a better builder than i thought.
Friday 11th August 2017 at 10:20 pm
Janet - what about the Site Investigation Report by the applicant? Did they get it wrong re the site? What about planning application 70049P or 96/2091P ? Both these were "Outline Applications for "Neighbourhood Centre to include residential, retail, car showroom, public house, community, hotel and local office use" - location "former Dean Row High School". Did those applications by Emerson/Orbit also get it wrong?
Simon Worthington
Saturday 12th August 2017 at 8:48 am
Maybe the gym car park is "always full" which tells its own story but at least those parking there are losing calories not buying them! And just how handy a school would be now but I am amazed that planners didn't realise that building houses would result in an increase in children needing school places. Sheer incompetence.
Deleted Account
Saturday 12th August 2017 at 8:49 am
Sorry Janet.....but you are still not right.

The Jones homes definitely were built on the old derelict town houses.

They are not just two bedroom homes as you say. They are a good community mix of two bedroom flats, two, three and four bedroom houses for a whole range of residents. We live there.

I am pleased that the plans wont make a difference to you (why should everybody be made to suffer ?) but sadly they do impact on many others . Hence the campaign

1. Loss of much needed community recreational, social and leisure facility that will not be replaced
2. Net loss of jobs
3. Delivery bay near living rooms /bedrooms
4. Lorries reversing behind homes to fill 50% bigger store and increased traffic on Dean Row thatwe really don't need
5. Bakery smells,increased polution and the risks that presents to everybody
6. Waste products
7. Removal of greenery, sheilding and environmental losses
8. Increased footfall from more visitors and cars
9. Mono pitch roof and prefabricated construction when everything else including your homes are brick & tile (just like the current Lidl)
Ryan Dance
Thursday 17th August 2017 at 6:30 pm
Yawn. Turn it wild flower meadow!

Whilst I'm upset my local gym is disappearing...I don't think this is application should be rejected.

Martin - whilst you may not want a larger lidl......however your numbered items 1-9 hold about as much credibility as the US president
Deleted Account
Friday 18th August 2017 at 7:08 am
Hello Ryan,

Thank you for your feedback.

As good as a wild flower meadow would be for residents and for the environment, I am not convinced that it would provide sufficient return on investment for any supermarket chain let alone Lidl.

Incidentally, Wilmslow Parish Council are due to look at the proposals on Monday 21st August at 7pm at the meeting room on Cliffe Rd


Village Mews Residents Association
Angela McPake
Friday 18th August 2017 at 10:25 am
Hi Martin,
Wilmslow Town Council's planing committee meeting is at 7.30pm- if you arrive for 7 you may be stood outside!
Cllr Angela McPake
Ken Shaw
Saturday 19th August 2017 at 12:09 pm
What if the owners of Energy close the gym as not a viable profit business and Lidl demolish it anyway. If planning not granted first time round (highly unlikely) with clean site second time round would not be a problem
Richard Armstead
Tuesday 22nd August 2017 at 8:01 pm
Yesterday evening, Wilmslow Town Council Planning Committee voted unanimously to refuse Lidl's planning application 17/3208M. The meeting took place in open forum and concerned individuals had the opportunity to comment on Lidl's application prior to the vote.Lidl representatives were also present and also had the opportunity to comment.

The case officer for this application at Cheshire East Planning will now be informed and prepare his report following the deadline for comments on the 31st August. Those objecting to Lidl's planned development and who have not already submitted objections should do so as soon as possible. That Wilmslow Council have refused their permission does not mean that this application will necessarily fail. It is likely that the application will now go to the Northen (CE) Planning Committee, following the case officer's report, for a final decision, where it could be still approved.

Please use the time left to access the CE Local Strategy Plan on the CE planning portal and have a look at 'Objectives', 'Policies', 'Vision' 'Strategies','Enterprise and Growth' etc etc etc!! In here you will find plenty of material to support your objections. These are the things that will influence the final decision by CE. The document looks complicated but just find the bits that support your argument and refer to them in your submission on the portal.

Enjoy your 'midnight reading' but object on the portal before 31 August! You have real influence and your comments are still vital to make sure that the community is front and foremost in this process.Presently there are over 250 comments uploaded. Let's make this 500 before the deadline. Remember, passionate comments supported by reference to the Local Strategy Plan (2010-2030) will be the only thing that will win the day. Good Luck!
Dave Cash
Tuesday 22nd August 2017 at 11:07 pm
It was also noted that Lidl have acquired the Freehold of the Energie site.
WTC can only 'advise' CEC of their rejection recommendation.
Cllr A. McPake gave a good summary of rel planning Policies.
Lidl recently became the 5th largest UK supermarket, displacing Waitrose.
I am not a Lidl employee nor a team consultant.