Residents and councillors call for Wilmslow to remain single constituency


Some local residents and councillors have written to the Boundary Commission calling for the town to be kept as a single entity represented in parliament by one MP.

The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) have been consulting on their initial proposals to abolish the current Tatton parliamentary constituency before the next scheduled General Election in 2020 and split Wilmslow between two constituencies.

The proposals would see the Macclesfield constituency extend to the north‐west to include most of Wilmslow, Alderley Edge and the Chelford ward. Whilst Wilmslow Dean Row and Handforth would be included in the Bramhall and Poynton constituency whilst Knutsford, Mobberley and High Legh would be in the proposed Altrincham and Tatton Park constituency.

The boundary commission has received 53 representations, including three from Wilmslow ward councillors and one from the Town Council, the majority of which objected to the proposals for Wilmslow to be split across two constituencies.

Councillor Toni Fox said "This proposal splits a distinctive and recognisable community which has its own sense of identity.

"Wilmslow is a close knit, homogenous town, with a newly created Town Council which was created following a recent Community Governance Review. A clear outcome of the Review was that public opinion clearly saw the benefits of the whole town being represented by a single Town Council. It is suggested that the town should similarly be represented by a single Member of Parliament.

"Handforth has close geographic and community links to Wilmslow and it is suggested that both should be in the same constituency. Wilmslow also has close links with Alderley Edge which under the current proposals would be in the new Macclesfield constituency. It is seen as important that all parts of the town of Wilmslow and its surrounding villages should remain united in one Parliamentary constituency to preserve essential local ties and community identities."

Both councillors Gary Barton and Rod Menlove wrote in support of a counter-proposal which MP George Osborne put forward in October 2017 to move Wilmslow as a whole into a constituency alongside Cheadle.

Councillor Gary Barton said "The counter proposal submitted by the Conservatives suggesting that Wilmslow is placed in a Cheadle and Wilmslow seat makes a great deal of sense. Keeping Wilmslow as a single unit is very much desirable, and the links between Wilmslow, Handforth, and Alderley Edge are close and long standing.

"The A34 is a major conduit for Wilmslow, Alderley Edge, and Handforth residents travelling towards Manchester. Many Wilmslow and Handforth residents shop in the retail parks (e.g,, Handforth Dean and Cheadle Royal) in along the A34. Almost no Wilmslow area residents go to Macclesfield.

"As an elected member of Cheshire East Council and Wilmslow Town Council, my contact with residents has strongly suggested to me that the people of Wilmslow are keen to preserve the integrity of Wilmslow within any new constituency.

"The Counter proposal for the Poynton and Bramhall seat also suggests an area with clear local ties, and an area that will be more closely connected as proposed and ongoing road building schemes in the area are completed."

Town Clerk Matthew Jackson, on behalf of Wilmslow Town Council, said "Whilst Wilmslow Town Council would favour Wilmslow being part of a Parliamentary Constituency containing areas of Cheshire only, the Town Council's priority is that the whole of Wilmslow remains within a single Parliamentary Constituency and that it would accept a proposal that ensured this was achieved."

Local resident Thomas Buckby wrote "I think it's completely inappropriate for the town of Wilmslow to be split down the middle into two different constituencies. Who will be responsible for Wilmslow?! How will they be accountable? And therefore how can democracy exist here? Please put the whole of Wilmslow in one constituency."

Elizabeth Partridge said "I totally disagree with the proposal to include Handforth in the Bramhall & Poynton Constituency.

"I don't think a cross boundary constituency made up of areas in both Cheshire East and Stockport makes sense.

"Handforth has more in common with Wilmslow than any of the other areas in the new constituency. For example they share the same high school. I think that Handforth and Wilmslow should be kept together in the same constituency."

Helga Wright "I do not believe the interests of Wilmslow is served by splitting the town into two. The town should be kept in one constituency with one MP who can represent the interests of all the residents."

Whilst Paul Dixon wrote in support of the proposals " I am all for the changes. Making constituencies roughly the same size is common sense and should be welcomed. At the moment I am in Tatton - which as a name means nothing to me. Bramhall and Poynton is a recognised area and I hope that becomes my new constituency."

Margaret Young said "I am totally in favour of the boundary changes. All votes should have equal value and presently with the discrepancy in the size of constituencies this is not the fact.

"I consider that parliament is too large (as also is the House of Lords) and also too expensive and should be cut back to a more rational size and to ensure that every vote has equal value."

An initial 12-week consultation was held in the autumn last year, giving the public the first chance to view and comment on the BCE's plans. A second consultation was launched on 28th February and finishes today (27th March) so if you would like to comment on suggestions or counter-proposals made during the consultation, highlight any issues or comment on BCE's original proposals you can do so TODAY on BCE's consultation website.

Following the second consultation, the BCE's assistant commissioners will look through all comments received during both consultations and then advise the Commission on where they think the proposals should be revised.

Revised proposals will be published as part of a final consultation in late 2017/early 2018 and any further changes made based on comments received. BCE must report to Parliament with its final recommendation in September 2018. If agreed by Parliament, the new constituencies will be in use at the next scheduled General Election in 2020.

Boundary Commission


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Roger Bagguley
Tuesday 28th March 2017 at 8:25 am
I wonder if these boundary proposals take into account the thousands of houses coming our way via the Local Plan Process? One can imagine the new balanced figures being out of date even before being published. It concerns me that Wilmslow loses its identity with the loss of Dean Row. I guess people in Dean Row are concerned too. It all feels like urbanisation with Greater Manchester growing as has London. It seems to me that the new SEMMMS road travelling east to west forms a definitive divide between Greater Manchester and Cheshire East and that fresh calculations may well be required in order to produce sustainable, equal constituences moving forward. Maintaining the identity of communities and towns like Wilmslow is important too.
Terry Roeves
Tuesday 28th March 2017 at 10:07 am
So Dean Row will no longer be in Tatton constituency and no longer have George Osborne as MP.
Has its merits, perhaps with more Independent spirit to represent Residents.
Manuel Golding
Tuesday 28th March 2017 at 3:53 pm
For the BCE to do other than ensure Wilmslow, Alderley Edge & Handforth remain together in the new constituency and to remain in total within the Cheshire boundaries, would be tantamount to social destruction with all the consequences.
Unfortunately George Osborne's submission will only ensure the destruction of the social cohesion that exists between Wilmslow, Alderley & Handforth. It is equally unfortunate that Cllrs Menlove & Barton see fit to follow the soon to be departing MP from the defunct Tatton constituency.
The three villages/towns were in the old cross borough borders Cheadle constituency and that led to split opinions, priorities and strategies between Stockport & Greater Manchester and Macclesfield BC. and Cheshire CC.
Hence it all made sense when the last rejigging of constituency boundaries took place to ensure such problems were eliminated.
Read history & learn to not repeat the same errors but the above individuals are bent on repeating history's mistakes.
Kathleen Morris
Thursday 30th March 2017 at 12:48 pm
There are other towns which are split between different parliamentary constituencies and manage to survive without imploding. Has nobody considered that having two people represent the area in parliament instead of one might be an advantage? And this is only about parliamentary constituency boundaries, not counties or other local boundaries.