Waters Corporation has applied to extend and modify the car park at their headquarters off Altrincham Road to meet both their current and future demands.
The company is proposing to create 56 additional parking spaces within and on the edge of the existing staff car park by reconfiguring the layout and adding a modest extension.
The building currently accommodates 610 members of staff, with temporary staff, contractors and visiting also attending the site on a daily basis. The headcount is forecast to grow at a rate of approximately 50 additional members of staff each year to 2020.
The existing car park provides 478 staff parking spaces and 60 spaces for visitors. However, the car park is frequently 100% occupied and is generally never less than 90% occupied which means that staff are often forced to park at the end of the car park aisles which can cause obstruction so a permanent solution to the existing parking issues is required.
Waters plan to create additional parking spaces by removing a number of small landscaping beds set within and at the end of the aisles, formally marking out car parking spaces within the least used aisle and by extending the car park into soft landscaping areas adjoining the car park aisles, which will be finished with grasscrete in order to minimise the impact of the works.
The supporting documentation states "In accordance with the Council's adopted parking standards, the provision of up to 619 parking spaces, to include 12 disabled spaces, would be acceptable. The total existing parking provision (478 spaces) falls well below this maximum. Following the delivery of the proposed 56 additional spaces, the total number of spaces (534) will remain below the maximum. The proposals, will, therefore, fall within the Council's recommended level of parking provision on this site."
"The application site is located within the Green Belt. However, the proposal will not deliver any new buildings and, therefore, will not breach saved Macclesfield Local Plan Policy GC1. Furthermore, the nature of the proposal is such that it will not harm the openness of the Green Belt, with the additional parking spaces ebbing indistinguishable from the existing parkings in views across the application site."
The plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference . The last date for submitting comments is January 4th 2017 and a decision is expected by February 3rd 2017.
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