Last minute change for talk on future development of Manchester Airport


Promotional Feature

The Wilmslow Civic Trust meeting on Wednesday, 19th October, is now to be held at Wilmslow Parish Hall, Cliff Road, Wilmslow SK9 4AA commencing at 7.45 pm.

The guest speaker for the evening is Anna Russell, Head of Communications at Manchester Airport, who will be talking about the plans or future development at the airport. This promises to be a very informative meeting. Non-members welcome.

Wilmslow Civic Trust (formerly called Wilmslow Trust) are a voluntary civic group dedicated to fostering a pleasant environment in greater Wilmslow.

We aim to raise awareness of issues concerning landscape, buildings, and general amenity; preserving what is good in Wilmslow and vetting proposals for change. For further information email [email protected].

Manchester Airport, Wilmslow Civic Trust