Exhibition to mark centenary of the Battle of the Somme


Wilmslow High School is organising a special exhibition in the next couple of weeks to mark the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.

The exhibition is being put together by the school's history department and will feature artefacts and photographs from the school's collection, including a display of individual photographs of the missing who are named on the Thiepval memorial.

History teacher Wesley Royle said "July 1st 2016 marks the one-hundredth anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Somme. The Battle, fought by the British in the middle of World War I, has become a byword for disaster. The carnage of the first day is now remembered as the worst ever day in British military history, and yet this horrific Battle went on to last for a further four-and-a-half months."

The exhibition will be on display at Wilmslow Library for a two week period from 27th June to 8th July.

Photo: Thiepval Memorial, taken on a school trip.

First World War, Wilmslow High School, Wilmslow Library


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Terry Roeves
Wednesday 22nd June 2016 at 4:50 pm
My late Father, a Royal Engineer, survived WW1 and went on to Turkey for that campaign, that saw the downfall of the Ottoman Empire and its first democratically elected leader, Kemal Attaturk.
He never spoke very little of the fighting or carnage, just a very few moments of humour and great respect for the Turks who were fearless.
He was the welter weight boxing champion and that ensured at times he was well fed! Invalided out due to malaria, he returned to flour milling.
Others in the family weren't so fortunate.
Birgitta Hoffmann
Thursday 23rd June 2016 at 8:02 am
I look forward to seeing the exhibition in the library. It is great, to see the space used for exhibition projects and even more so to see the work of the students of Wilmslow High School in such an accessible place. Three cheers to the students!