Council fits solar panels to Westfields HQ

Cheshire East Council is fitting solar panels to the roof of its headquarters in Sandbach over the next two weeks.

The investment of just under £50,000 should be paid back within six and a half years and will have a predicted 20 year cumulative financial benefit to the Council of around £200,000.

The works to the Westfields building are expected to finish on November 18th.

Councillor Rod Menlove, chairman of the Cheshire East Energy Ltd company said: "This is significant move by the Council to adopt renewable innovations that reduce our costs and provide maximum value for residents.

"We are considering other buildings in the portfolio that meet the suitability criteria for similar technology."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Wednesday 4th November 2015 at 7:16 pm
I am amazed that solar panels are needed. As far as I can see there is enough hot air coming out of Sandbach to light up the whole of Cheshire East.
Dave Cash
Thursday 5th November 2015 at 3:59 am
Jackie, hot air electric generators differ from PV system, but 'Westfields' could be the core of a local neighbourhood central heating scheme.
I just hope installation costs, FiT payments and energy savings costs are fully detailed in CEC annual accounts for next 20 yrs.
Thursday 5th November 2015 at 1:00 pm
Thanks Dave. As to CEC "accounts" - have they been signed off for last year yet? Also will the "accounts" of this arms- length Energy Company be included in the Cheshire East Accounts or will they simply appear under the Companies Register? What sum of money was transferred between Cheshire East and this Company to provide it? What Company did Cheshire East use to fit the solar panels? Perhaps Councillor Menlove, as Chair of this Energy Company, can enlighten me and detail when, where, all the figures will appear for the next 20 years - since basically residents will have paid for it.