Call for urgent action following near misses close to primary school


Parents are urging drivers to keep their speed down and respect the 30mph limit following a number of near misses outside a Wilmslow primary school.

In the last two weeks there have been a spate of near misses involving parents and children walking to and from Ashdene Primary School, due to drivers failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing on Knutsford Road.

One school parent has experienced two incidents on the crossing in the last fortnight, on one occasion she had to hastily pull her twin buggy and school age boy clear of a car.

Police have been contacted, and attended the crossing last week. It is thought that over grown foliage may be obscuring the traffic lights.

One mother told "I've contacted the police who've contacted the council and hopefully work will be undertaken very soon to cut back the tree branches currently obscuring the traffic lights.

"Hopefully this will be sufficient to prevent further incidents however until it is done, and even if afterwards, I would still warn all those using the crossing to be extremely cautious to ensure vehicles are slowing to stop.Young children need to be taught this vigilance too."

Councillor Gary Barton said "This is clearly a matter that needs addressing as quickly as possible. I am very grateful to for bringing it to my attention and I have now contacted the relevant people at Cheshire East and asked them to address the the problem as a matter of urgency."

Updated: 6th July 3.25pm

Cheshire East Council has confimred that the requested tree pruning works near the pedestrian crossing on Knutsford Road will be carried out tomorrow Tuesday 7th July.

Ashdene Primary


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Howard Piltz
Friday 3rd July 2015 at 3:07 pm
No defence of errant motorists, but can I beg mums to pay due diligence to traffic approaching crossings, there is absolutely no value in being "dead-right". Also, one still sees far too many pram-pushers chatting on mobile phones. Drivers are banned, so should parents with buggies.
Rob Grundy
Friday 3rd July 2015 at 5:04 pm
I moved to Wilmslow from a Lancashire village some months ago. I have to say that the behaviour of pedestrians, drivers and cyclists is far, far worse here! Everyone is very impatient, nobody lets cars out into traffic. I hade no idea why this is, but we all need to cool it before someone gets hurt or worse.
Pete Taylor
Friday 3rd July 2015 at 7:17 pm
Why has the "Twenty's Plenty" campaign gone so quiet? I have just spent a month in France, where attitudes to speeding urban motorists have changed beyond all recognition. Through towns and villages 30 KPH zones (especially near schools) are enforced by speed tables which ensure that even black 4x4s slow right down, or suffer damage.
Angie Thorpe
Saturday 4th July 2015 at 2:37 am
Rob .G I agree afraid to say that there seems to be an arrogant attitude that's stemmed from an I /we are better than you ... So I/ we are exempt from the rules !!! I know not all are the same, but because a certain few act in this way others join in out of frustration
Penny Fisher
Saturday 4th July 2015 at 10:10 am
My husband was inolved in a shunt when somebody reversed into him on Gravel Lane at school coming out time.Unfortunately he was driving my new car at the time! Not too much damage luckily. I never drive on Gravel Lane at this time and will go the long way round on Knutsford Road.