Green belt development off Pigginshaw Lane refused

Outline planning permission for a new housing development on green belt land off Pigginshaw Lane has been refused.

The proposal was for the erection of seven detached dwellings, with associated parking and landscape works, on the 0.54ha site located at the end of a cul-de-sac off the A538 Altrincham Road.

The site was formerly used as a horticultural nursery, however it has been vacant for a number of years, and the intention was for access to be via Pigginshaw Lane where a private drive would be gated.

Planning permission was refused on the grounds that it was in appropriate development in the green belt, would have a detrimental impact on openness of the green belt and no very special circumstances have been presented to outweigh the harm to the green belt identified.

Additionally Cheshire East Council decided insufficient information had been submitted to enable them to fully assess the ecological impact of the proposal, issues were raised about the indirect impact upon existing retained trees, the proposal would not enhance or conserve the Area of Special County Value and the gate across the proposed private drive would threaten highways safety.

Cheshire East Council received one letter in support of this application and 28 objections from local residents. Wilmslow Town Council recommended refusal of this application on the grounds of it being positioned in the green belt and because they felt that "to add to the traffic congestion at this busy junction would be inappropriate".

Cheshire East Council, Pigginshaw Lane, Planning Applications