Revamp for Wilmslow's boundary signs


The Town Council has agreed to purchase new boundary signs to greet people as they enter Wilmslow.

It was identified by councillors that some of the main roads into the town did not actually tell people they had arrived in Wilmslow so they have decided to upgrade all the signage.

Councillors have picked out the most important gateways into the town, which are the busiest, as well as other gateways where signage is required, and at their meeting on Monday, 20th August, councillors agreed to allocate £7,500 for the purchase of new boundary signs.

The proposal is to order "somewhat grander" signage for the main gateways into the town, identified as Altrincham Road, Manchester Road and the A34 by the Ford garage. Less expensive signs will then be purchased for the other locations, such as Dean Row Road, Styal Road and Prestbury Road.

Wilmslow Town Council will need to obtain approval from Cheshire East Council for the new signage and there may be some planning issues to sort out before the new signs can be installed.

Boundary Signs, Wilmslow Town Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Raymond Acton
Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 1:36 pm
Let's hope that the new signs will not be accompanied by a 'no parking at any time' sign and a 'Sold' sign !
Derek Stevens
Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 2:57 pm
Are we to have 'grander signs' like the previous types around the immediate area, that block or restrict footpaths. They are subsequently hit by passing traffic and eventually replaced with standard signs or not replaced at all.
Will we be having another expensive survey to determine what we really don't need, instead of a common sense, less expensive,solution
Perhaps those who make the decisions should foot the bill or at least set a reasonable budget for the whole project, that is transparent to the council tax payer.
Chris Wigley
Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 3:48 pm
Is this really a priority when so much is being cut?

Perhaps any new signage could be sponsored by the coffee houses......................I can see it now Wimslow - home of Costa Coffee, the Coffee Repubic of Wilmslow.

We can't afford buses or to restore Romany's caravan, we want to sell off the leisure centre and Rectory Fields for a supermarket and build 1500 homes in the green belt, I wonder if the Town Council are drinking Nero's coffee as Wilmslow disappears?
Mark Russell
Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 5:35 pm
Dont worry, at the going rate of notice boards around here, we should get 2 or 3 signs in this budget! Someone is having a right giggle at the expense of us tax payers. While like Chris rightly points out so much is being cut. This week thats the best part of 20k spent on 5 notice boards and "somewhat grander signage" to tell people they are driving through Wilmslow! I reckon for the same price thats a nurse for the hospital paid for maybe?
Pete Taylor
Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 9:08 pm
Anyone know where the old sign in the photo is? I rather fancy that unsuitable relic on my bedroom wall.
Elaine Napier
Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 11:05 pm
Why does the Council think Wilmslow needs "somewhat grander signage"? It's hopelessly overspent and seems unable to find funds for really important things like road repairs. Oh no, I forgot, they're going to ask the government for extra money to deal with that. Have they explained away the missing £810,000 that disappeared into the waste disposal matter yet? They could have fixed a lot of roads and bought some very grand signage indeed with that!

And now they're going to spend months designing their grander signage and getting planning permission for it. Grander signage? How pompous is that?
John Mills
Wednesday 22nd August 2012 at 8:35 am
Get the signs sponsored - If they are going to spend £7500 on signage they should all be voted out at re-election. For Pete's sake get them sponsored and paid for - don't even thinkl of wastng money on such a thing. The Home of Royal London - for instance - why not - stop their car park application and then ask them to sponsor the signs - sounds like the sort of thing this council would do.
Chris Wigley
Wednesday 22nd August 2012 at 9:39 am
Come on guys, lets have some reality, signs are really important, they allow us with a degree of accuracy to pinpoint where are bodies, bicycles or cars were damaged by potholes that have remained unrepaired by are cash-strapped council. They are likewise useful to identify all those grids that are full of debris that allow roads to flood.
Derek Stevens
Wednesday 22nd August 2012 at 11:40 am
In reply to Pete Taylor, regarding the whereabouts of the WILMSLOW sign. I do know where it is but I'm sure that the cost to provide you with the sign would involve 1 A survey by the council surveyors as one sign pole is on private land. 2 Environmentalists to survey the effects on the hedge and disruption to nesting birds. 3 Planning application to site new sign. 4 Survey by the highways department to evaluate the work to be carried out. 5 Permission from the police for road closure whilst the work is carried out. 6 Hire of temporary traffic lights. 7 Contractor to carry out the work. 8 Oh and a sign to replace the one that you would like. I wonder if the Council would like to price all this out and publish the total amount for this one sign. Pete, it could be a costly adornment for your wall
Jason Lyons
Friday 24th August 2012 at 10:48 pm
I really really dispair of this council!!!
To be honest they love wasting our hard earnered Money?
Why do we let them get away with it? I have a bussiness in the town
Also own a residential property also! They waste my money
They do nothing for the retailers in town nog the residents
Waste of time & money!