Town Council to take on new staff and office


Wilmslow Town Council are looking to appoint a part-time Assistant Town Clerk and move into new offices, providing them with a permanent base in the town.

The 2011/12 budget for Wilmslow Town Council, which was set by Cheshire East Council prior to their appointment, made provision for a full time Town Clerk, part-time Town Clerk and part-time bookkeeper - to date the Town Council has only appointed Matthew Jackson as the full time Town Clerk.

At Monday's Town Council meeting Matthew Jackson explained "For a town this size and what we're trying to achieve we will require assistance."

Cllr Gary Barton said "There will be concerns that this is a significant outlay in terms of budget and there will be a certain opinion that says we shouldn't be taking on more staff at this time but we are the largest town council in Cheshire East.

"We are seeking to be as professional as we can be and because of the Localism Bill we'll be taking on more responsibilities in the future so I am in favour of taking on more staff."

Cllr Matthew Hodgson said "My only nervousness is we're really just getting started and we're already looking at recruiting a second person. Being unexperienced in town council's I look at this more from a business perspective and whether I would recruit to invest."

Cllr Don Glover was against the proposal saying "I propose that we look at it again in January/February, I don't think it is the right time to employ additional staff as we don't have a big programme of works at this moment in time. I propose it is looked at early in the new year.

"When out canvassing we got so many comments about not wanting more bureaucracy and more costs and it doesn't look good to be recruiting again so soon."

However, he was not supported by other councillors who took a vote to appoint an Assistant Town Clerk.

Cllr Gary Barton said "Yes we have to keep costs under control, we have a duty because this is public money but we also have to deliver a service and I find it hard to see two members of staff as bureaucracy."

Cllr Martin Watkins, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said "With the budget that was proposed for us by Cheshire East Council in every item of expenditure we will come under budget. We have been very careful to give good value."

Cllr Keith Purdom added "If the Town Clerk is recommending with all his experience that he needs an Assistance Town Clerk then I accept his proposal."

The Town Council also agreed to sign a five year lease for an office within Wilmslow Parish Hall at a cost of £3000 per annum. This charge includes all utilities, apart from the telephone, and use of the adjacent room for committee meetings.

Attached are a copy of the minutes from the Town Council meeting held on Monday 19th September which were approved at this week's meeting on Monday 17th October.

Wilmslow Town Council meet on the third Monday of each month at the Oakenclough Children's Centre. All meetings are open to the public and details of all future meetings will be included in our events calendar.


Town Council Minutes, Wilmslow Town Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Vince Chadwick
Tuesday 18th October 2011 at 5:22 pm
Don't they know 'there's no money'? Worse than that, there's a massive deficit and a growing debt! Empire-building like this in these difficult times when lots of folk are losing their jobs and many more will do so in the coming years is just not on!
Steve Kennedy
Wednesday 19th October 2011 at 1:12 am
Our town is lagging behind others in Cheshire but with some vision support and determination we can help the town council get us back in the lead again. The WILMSLOW business group support them and are integrated in joint goals. Increase footfall increase retail and business spend and the town will benefit. We shouldn't miss the fab point that this will mean a job offer for some lucky person!
Dave Cash
Sunday 20th November 2011 at 2:51 am
Steve, I hope the time, effort and money being expended by W.T.C. and the Wilmslow B.G. will result in more than a perm job offer for one lucky person! Pref several for Wilmslow NEETs (not in employment, education or training).

The proposed Asst Town Clerk is a case in point. Most numerate, literate & honest candidates are eligible IMO. Their skills can be developed by 'on the job training' under the tutelage of the Town Clerk. Let us hope WTC do not find the need to appoint a non-Wilmslow resident.