Reader's Letter: Imbecilic anti-social boy racers back again!


Whilst welcoming the return of summer and its light mornings, lighter evenings and warmer, sunnier weather that allows us to sit in and enjoy our gardens, Wilmslow residents have also suffered the return of imbecilic, anti-social, noisy boy-racers haring up and down the A34 Wilmslow & Alderley Edge by-pass. They are not so welcome.

The noise camera has provided solid evidence of the anti-social and nuisance behaviour of which local residents have been long aware but so far, there seems to be little enforcement action which was the purpose of the camera trial. The presence of photographer youngsters on the pedestrian crossing point and on the Whitehall roundabout is part of the problem and could be addressed for their own safety, by a Public Space Protection Order.

The police have more important issues to deal with but it is only a police presence and threat of prosecution that will deter such anti-social behaviour.

If other readers are so affected, may I suggest you make your concerns to both your CEC councillor and to the Cheshire Police & Crime Commissioner, Mr. Dwyer at:

Police & Crime Commissioner,
Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters,,
Clemond Hey,Oakmere Road,
Cheshire, CW7 2UA

or phone at 01606- 364000.

Mr Dwyer did arrange and attend a public meeting in Wilmslow in September 2021 but the problem persists.

The police already have legal powers to enforce noise compliance. They could, for example, patrol using unmarked cars and apprehend offenders. That would require resources and I guess they're unwilling to focus on bypass noise above their other priorities. My understanding is that currently the evidence provided by the noise camera alone can't be used to prosecute but it would be great to know whether it ever will be.

If Cheshire East were to implement a PSPO that would allow the police to disperse the young photographers who currently are not committing an offence. I'm told that a PSPO might take two years to arrange but we've bee highlighting and debating this problem for that amount of time already.

M. Golding



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Terry Roeves
Monday 29th May 2023 at 8:48 am
Also, I noticed 3 sports cars driving from AE towards Wilmslow, consecutively without front number plates. The max fine is £1,000-
If noise isn’t being dealt with then perhaps these will be. There are plenty hereabouts to book. Aren’t the police interested in this either?
In Spain, local police keep fines to help fund the station/income. Hence their enthusiasm (at times) with a cash only payment at the station. Argue? Spend several hours waiting around. Now wouldn’t that make a difference here?
Nick Jones
Monday 29th May 2023 at 3:06 pm
This weekend in A/E , I have witnessed cars revving their engine, showboating in between speed humps.. hitting the loud pedal on the by -pass.. Has the 20mph zone in AE deterred this activity?... Apparently not.
Hundreds of thousands of cars have passed the noise camera with no issues .... one or two ( not many.. dont know the numbers ) have activated the noise threshold... and No prosecutions. Im surprised the 'scheme' has been extended because it cant result in any action. It is neither proportionate or justified for this to continue , and on that basis , it isnt an inner city suburb facing the real problems that may warrant a 'Public Space Protection Order (PSPO)' ... The irony being Law enforcement are then required to enforce... And thereby lies the answer.... The residents and shop owners this inconveniences, have had their policing precept increased year on year for less and less.
Common sense and appropriate resources are required to deal with and that is directing more actual physical presence and enforcement ,by those equipped to deal with the issues as was stated many times in the prequal to cameras and 20 mph zone.
I suggest Mr Golding makes a valuable point for petitioning the PCC , but it should be to get the trained qualified resources on the spot to deal with matters at the time. After all we are paying !! . Perhaps the PCC should report directly to Cllr Craig Browne over his commitment to this long standing complaint.
Stuart Redgard
Monday 29th May 2023 at 10:40 pm
#Nick Jones

The number that have activated the "Noise Threshold" is several hundred. The police cannot prosecute as it is not a criminal offence. It is a civil offence and the prosecuting body would be Cheshire East Council. However, to be able to prosecute then the offence has to be recorded in a designated space which also has a public space protection order in place.

This was all covered in the article on this site on 13th March 2023


I understand that it is frustrating in the time it's taking but at least things are being put in place so that in some time in the not-too-distant future the ability for prosecutions to happen will be available and hopefully implemented.
Pete Wright
Tuesday 30th May 2023 at 10:47 am
How could something as relatively simple as a "Public Space Protection Order" take years to arrange? If that's true it shows how broken the system is, bureaucracy and red tape trumps common sense again (I can still remember how long it took to paint two yellow lines outside the Coach & Four pub in Wilmslow, hardly rocket science)
Graham McLelland
Wednesday 31st May 2023 at 5:19 am
What I cannot understand is why the police allow these idiotic drivers to travel at speeds beyond the 30 mph and 40 mph every weekend. Also the island on Ryleys Lane Alderely Edge and the roundabout at the junction of the A34 and Wilmslow by pass to be packed by camera wielding idiots running around causing motorists to be distracted as they run from point to point.This is a tragedy waiting to happen.
Marc Staples
Wednesday 31st May 2023 at 8:12 am
Graham McLelland

Camera wielding idiots is a bit harsh ! Its you lads who are just taking pictures of the cars which is a perfectly normal pursuit in my opinion Their not going out destroying things they are just enjoying watching the cars . Its the idiots that drive far too fast that are the problem.
Jonathan Follows
Wednesday 31st May 2023 at 4:12 pm
Look, I know it's not nice to have your peace disturbed, and these cars can be noisy, and I accept all that. I live in the middle of Wilmslow. But I find that noise from dogs barking is infinitely worse than car noise - cars make a noise and move on, but dogs just bark and bark. It just seems ridiculous to me to go on about car noise all the time, which is reflected in most comments in this forum. I don't own a car or a dog, by the way.
When I moved back to Wilmslow from Manchester in 2008 it was the birds that kept me awake. Perhaps we should have a campaign to get rid of noisy birds in the early hours?
Berkeley Thirsk
Wednesday 31st May 2023 at 4:59 pm
To be perfectly frank, I am sick and tired of listening or reading about residents around Alderley Edge and Wilmslow moaning about noisy cars and people, show-boating as they call it, in cars which most cannot afford.
The cars are legal, on the road versions/models of very expensive cars, high powered yes!, noisy, yes! Nice to be able to have, yes!
The people who complain about it are demonstrating their inability to cope with the fact that there are others in the area who are successful, have more money, are able to have fancy cars, and live in or around Wilmslow and Alderley Edge, and happen to be in their back yard.
Live with it - jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins.
We live in an area that is inherently wealthy and benefits immensely from it's residents wealth.
If you want to moan about something - complain about the state of our roads, the lousy mobile service provision in a supposedly elite area of the UK, cyclists and the weather.
Get real, grow up!
Vince Chadwick
Thursday 1st June 2023 at 5:19 pm
Berkeley Thirsk, well, that's a point of view I suppose. Or several.

Except that cars with no front number plate are not legal.

And as you seem to be judging a person's success by the car they drive, then I suggest it's you who perhaps should grow up. Most cars these days are not purchased outright anyway, they are on some sort of Personal Contract Plan so ownership only depends on affording the monthly payments and perhaps never actually getting to own the car.
Pete Taylor
Saturday 3rd June 2023 at 6:13 pm
Berkley Thirsk, what a bizarre post, your view of other people is rather remarkable!

I'm not sure why you state that these cars are legal- are you unaware of the massive market in after-market exhausts for these things? You could read this: for a starter, the internet is full of adverts for switchable illegal exhaust systems.

Vince Chadwick rightly points out that failure to display a front number plate is an offence; it's a pity that Cheshire Constabulary don't supply hand-held noise monitors to their officers to enable them to impound these illegal cars.

As you apparently live some distance from the bypass and Alderley it's no wonder that you don't seem to be aware of the problem which is inflicted on those of us who do (it's not unknown for people of a certain age to have hearing loss too!).
Tony Haluradivth
Saturday 3rd June 2023 at 8:10 pm
Berkeley Thirsk what an entitled, classless and self centred opinion. Revving and showboating are ok in YOUR opinion and we are all jealous? Perhaps you are one of the noisy "shoe boaters". I agree with everything Vince has said above...
Simon Worthington
Monday 5th June 2023 at 11:53 am
With you on the pest dogs and their barking Jonathan. The emotionally insecure need an animal to grope (a horrible sight often seen rarely forgotten) and reassure themselves that they aren’t too insignificant!
Time for working dogs only or at least very restrictive laws on the selfish who inflict their badly behaved **** machines on the rest of us. Some kiss them on the mouth. Ugh!
Tony Haluradivth
Wednesday 14th June 2023 at 7:22 am
Don't forget @Simon Worthington that some owners are NOT dog owners any more but "Mummy and Daddy" to their "Fur Babies" ;))
Gary Chaplin
Wednesday 14th June 2023 at 2:23 pm
I actually agree, in part, with Berkeley. Yes the odd one has no number plate - so the police should issues NIPs accordingly. Sometimes there is dangerous driving, but it is the exception not the rule, and certainly not limited to these cars. Again the police need to climb out from behind a speed camera on a safe stretch of road and pull those that are driving inappropriately (and have a word) or dangerously (and collar them).

But the incessant whining of an equally small number of locals is equally nauseating. Buy a house near a busy road (and railway line...and airport) expect noise. I live in audible distance of the AE by-pass, the noise isn't that bad and certainly not the greatest noise pollution I get in my garden. Live and let live.
Alan Brough
Thursday 15th June 2023 at 8:07 am
@ Gary Chaplin,

Sorry to hear that the justified concerns of other local residents about a proliferation in illegal exhaust noise is making you nauseous.

I do worry that you have misunderstood. As far as I see it, nobody is complaining about general traffic noise.