Parking charges in Cheshire East run car parks have been suspended as part of a number of service changes made in response to Covid-19.
While following government guidelines aimed at supporting keyworkers, including NHS staff, the council has decided to go further by suspending all car parking charges from midnight tonight (Thursday, 26th March).
The council says it is eager to take all possible steps in the fight against Coronavirus and has taken this decision to support keyworkers and to help prevent the risk of spreading the disease through contact.
People who use Ringo to pay parking charges by mobile phone need not pay either and should be alerted to this by the app on their phone. The council has contacted Ringo to inform them of this decision.
Please note that this only applies to car parks operated by Cheshire East Council.
All car park machines will be sealed and notices posted to inform the public of this action. However, the Council wishes to stress that everyone should follow government advice by staying at home, minimising travel as much as possible and maintaining social distancing.
Councillor Laura Crane, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for highways and waste, said: "It is important that we take all the necessary steps to protect our residents and the users of our car parks, while at the same time, supporting our key workers, especially our NHS staff, so that they can get on with the task of fighting this disease and preventing its spread."
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