Six employment tribunal claims have been lodged against Cheshire East Council in the past year.
In the last 12 months, the Council has handled six employment tribunal claims from former and current employees which have been time consuming and costly to defend as well as potentially having a negative impact on the reputation of the Council.
Of these six employment tribunal claims, one case was found in the Council's favour, two cases were settled, one was withdrawn by the applicant and the other two are on-going.
A report prepared for the Staffing Committee on the lessons learnt from these six employment tribunal claims against the Council revealed that the total external legal costs associated with these employment tribunal claims is £75,400 (plus VAT) to date.
Plus there is likely to be additional costs associated with the two on-going cases.
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
"In the last 12 months, the Council has handled six employment tribunal claims from former and current employees which have been time consuming and costly to defend as well as potentially having a negative impact on the reputation of the Council."
Am I the only person who sees something tragically funny in that statement? How much lower can their reputation go?