Green light for another new restaurant on Water Lane


Plans have been approved to enable another new restaurant or cafe to open on Water Lane.

Manchester based Wheldone (Investments) Limited have been granted planning permission to build a two storey extension at the front of Whitecroft House.

The ground floor of the building is currently used partly for retail, occupied by Co-op, along with some offices, whilst all of the first floor is offices.

The scheme also includes a rear extension to house the service stairs and the change of use of a section of the existing first floor from office space to restaurant/cafe (A3) use.

The proposed new extension will accommodate a restaurant/café entrance, seating on the ground floor, stairs and a lift for disable access in addition to toilet facilities, a kitchen and store room at the rear of the first floor.

Nine letters of objection were received by Cheshire East Council, including one from Sky UK who occupy the first floor. The main concerns raised include: parking issues; odour and noise; being overlooked, overdevelopment and over concentration of restaurants.

The proposal does not include any change to the vehicular access to the site, with an additional pedestrian access proposed at the front of the new two storey extension off Water Lane. The scheme would result in the loss of three car parking spaces

The planning officer's report stated "As the proposal is in accordance with both local and national planning policy, it is recommended that planning permission is granted."

The new venue will employ 5 full-time and two part-time members of staff and be open from 8am to midnight seven days a week.

Planning Applications, Water Lane


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Chris Neill
Sunday 3rd June 2018 at 7:32 am
Brilliant.....take 3 car parking spaces out and bring 7 more cars in.
Are these idiotic planners not aware that parking and traffic management in the town is a shambles. Apartments and new builds greedily taking up every square millimetre of land with absolutely no provision for all the extra vehicles.
Walk down Bourne st, Buckingham road, Westward road during the week ,and ask the locals what they think. Cars double parked, parked on pavements, parked in front of driveways. Lots of extra exhaust fumes for the kids. In the town we now have lines of cars and vans parked all over the pavement near traffic lights, busy road junctions , doctors surgeries. Could somebody out there please focus on where to safely park the overwhelming increased volume of vehicles coming into the town before any planning permission for anything is granted.
Paul Wadsworth
Sunday 3rd June 2018 at 12:32 pm
Manuel Golding
Tuesday 5th June 2018 at 1:17 pm
The planning officer's report stated "As the proposal is in accordance with both local and national planning policy, it is recommended that planning permission is granted."
But CECs planning officers have consistently chosen to ignore "both local and national planning policy" when it doesn't suit their very own personal plan for the locality and applicant.
Residents of Wilmslow is considering once again submitting a portfolio of such "recommendations" to the Dept of Communities & Local Government for further ministerial
Something is very seriously wrong in the CEC house of planning! A good and total clear-out is probably the answer.
Fiona Doorbar
Tuesday 5th June 2018 at 2:27 pm
Why build more units when there are empty units available?
Jon Williams
Tuesday 5th June 2018 at 7:37 pm
The Co op does not have much parking as it is, even less shortly
Debra Conroy
Wednesday 6th June 2018 at 4:26 pm
Please fill the empty existing buildings before granting planning permission for new builds. Grove Street should be the restaurant area of Wilmslow.
Peter Davenport
Thursday 7th June 2018 at 2:15 pm
Dear All
If you have tried to exit from this tiny car park, over a footpath, with a narrow exit, with big SUVs or jeeps, it is only through the sense of those on Water `lane, who can see you, but not you them, that you can exit.
This was mentioned over 2 years ago to the local CE Councillor, and either he did something of nothing, or the officials took no notice, but never looked at it. This exit is dangerous, particularly for children on the footpath. We know what the attitude of CE's employees is, as it comes from the top down. I look forward to next May, for pay back time
P Davenport
Gaynor Oakes
Friday 8th June 2018 at 8:42 pm
Have the council gone nuts allowing another restaurant and coffee shop !!
Have we not got enough empty shops to fill instead of building more,who makes these crack pot decision.Maybe I’m wrong but I counted 28 restaurants and 17 coffee/shops !!
Nick Jones
Saturday 9th June 2018 at 7:33 am
Anything IMHO is better than an empty unit... The real Test of CEC is how they encourage business of any kind to populate our town, in favour of Handforth Dean expansion... Business rates,Parking are merely two gifts within their grasp that could be aligned to bring business , workers, shoppers / visitors to the town... there are a host of other initiatives . I note from current News Media this is a National issue, Councils punitive and prohibitive parking alongside high rates that is forcing all to out of town enterprises.... A review of parking arrangements here in Wilmslow has been called for, for many years ( and ignored ) Yellow paint is not the answer... with this intransigent CEC backdrop, any new business should be applauded in our town to keep it alive, because those charged with the job are failing not only to listen, but to act. Good luck to them.
Peter Evans
Saturday 9th June 2018 at 6:46 pm
Utter madness IMHO. It is a totally lousy location. Loads of better places already empty and not attracting investment. Can't understand why ant one with an IQ > 1 would puck this place; though can understand why our council approved it (they seem to get ever decision wrong).