Royal London to consult on plans for 180 homes

Royal London entrance

Royal London is to consult the Wilmslow community before submitting two planning applications for homes at its site on Alderley Road.

The two proposed applications are for outline planning consents - one for up to 60 homes on land opposite the Royal London Campus to the west of Alderley Road and one for up to 120 homes on the northern part of the campus site on the east of Alderley Road.

Although the masterplans will be indicative at this stage, a range of housing is envisaged from one and two bed apartments to three and four bed homes.

The proposed scheme also includes an area of public open space on the west of Alderley Road, new playing fields for use by Wilmslow High School and those working on the campus, to be located north east of the existing office campus area.

Residents could also gain access to a range of facilities to be developed over time, potentially including restaurants, small scale shopping, cafes, a gym/creche and outdoor fitness facilities. Although these community facilities do not form part of the forthcoming applications, Royal London would welcome feedback on what residents would like at the campus to guide future proposals.

Gareth Dickinson, Head of Property at Royal London Asset Management, said: "Royal London is committed to working in full collaboration with Cheshire East, local residents and other stakeholders. We are determined not only to meet the needs and expectations of our business tenants, but also of future and existing members of the Wilmslow community."

A public consultation on the two proposed residential planning applications commences on Monday 9th October and closes two weeks later on Monday 23rd October.

It will begin with a public consultation event taking place from 2.30pm to 6.30pm on 9th October at Wilmslow Leisure Centre. A dedicated consultation website, including all of the materials available at the exhibition, will go live on 9th October and will remain available throughout the consultation period.

During the consultation period, feedback on the proposals may be given to Royal London's consultant team in the following ways:

Attending the consultation event at Wilmslow Leisure Centre on 9th October;
Writing to Royal London Group, c/o Lexington Communications, The Zenith Building, 26 Spring Gardens, Manchester, M2 1AB;
Telephoning our Community Information Line on 0161 711 0293;
Emailing our consultation team at [email protected];
Visiting our consultation website

Feedback received following Monday 23rd October will still be accepted and considered, although receiving comments during the consultation period will give the project team the fullest possible opportunity to reflect upon them.

Royal London


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Robert Kemp
Wednesday 4th October 2017 at 6:49 pm
Another 180 families, many of whom may well be new to the area! Our surgeries and schools are already bursting at the seams, we need to cater for these requirements at the same time as the new homes are built not to be added at some time in the future.
Thursday 5th October 2017 at 11:45 am
Whether you think this site should be used or not, there is another issue entirely,- and that is how Cheshire East has treated the residents of Wilmslow. The Local Plan Inspection came and went and it was only after this that the consultation was held on Royal London. For the first time in this consultation a new road into Royal London appeared. This wasn’t a minor road, which the planners might have inadvertently missed off earlier maps, but a road with two lane traffic and wide enough for public transport. Naturally, consultees were not happy.

Then a planning application appears for a "temporary road" - in the same area, but we all know that “temporary” in Cheshire East on the Royal London site actually means “permanent”.

Now Royal London is on the agenda at a Cabinet meeting next week and it is clear that more changes are proposed - hence the second consultation, announced in advance of that meeting, and it is clear that these changes are to be "sold to us" by arguing that there will be wonderful sports and leisure activities onsite - because "Everybody Sports and Leisure " has won the contract to deliver them.

So aside from all the fudging and media speak we know the subtext. Cheshire East makes money. Everybody Sports and Leisure makes money. Royal London makes money and the residents have to deal with the problems, - and the “community charge” will still go up to cover at best what can only be described as “incompetence”.
Nick Jones
Friday 6th October 2017 at 6:15 am
Thanks Jackie; I note from reading the available documents there is a lot more to this than first meets the eye ! .. The commercial decision of R/L is one thing but, duplicitous behaviour would again appear to have become the evidenced convention in CEC, It was after all the Ward Cllr who said.. "I have worked closely with the town council over the years to counter threats to the local Green Belt – something I will continue to do…… I have publicly opposed any housing on the Royal London site…” closely followed by a complete U turn, voting with his colleagues to remove this site from green belt protection and now feinting interest over an access road issue. Whatever commercial arrangement R/L and CEC have come will again ignore residents as evidenced in their conduct re;Local Plan, thus making this consultation a fairly meaningless process. If jobs at R/L go it is already a commercial decision that has been made, This is no more than securing a maximum return for R/L shareholders / product holders (And I understand that fully) BUT they appear aided and abetted in their commercial resolve by ‘Nodding dogs‘ at CEC. Our Local Mp’s, E=McV , Laura Smith, alongside independent groups have already referred CEC and its Cllrs conduct to Sec State for communities and local government over its manipulation of facts and data, and we are now aware the Government is closely watching CEC closely. This is no more than a repeat of their previous conduct.