Having been granted planning permission in 2016 for a new office development at their Alderley Road campus, Royal London has now submitted an application detailing the scale, layout, appearance and landscaping proposals for the site.
Planning permission has been approved for a new office development along with associated car parking, access improvements for vehicles, the creation of new pedestrian and cycle routes to the site and the enhancement of existing and provision of new landscaping.
This reserved matters application, reference 17/3747M, seeks approval for all the detailed matters not previously considered: including the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the site. Access was approved as part of the approved outline planning permission (reference 16/2314M).
The new office building is proposed to be located directly to the east of the existing Royal London House with parking to the east of the new office building. The proposed office building is three storey with a plant room situated on the roof of the building. It is a predominately glazed structure, with some cladding and louvres.
The access, as approved, is taken from Alderley Road and follows a route which runs to the south of the existing Royal London House into the new car parking area.
The Royal London site, is known as "Strategic Site LPS 54 in the recently approved Cheshire East Local Plan and includes land to the west of Alderley Road.
This strategic site is approved for employment use; a hotel; provision of green infrastructure and open space; pedestrian and cycle links and a residential development residential development of 175 properties - around 80 of which will be on land to the east of the existing campus, around 20 to the north of the existing campus and around 75 on land west of Alderley Road.
A draft 'Development Framework' for the Royal London site has been produced in collaboration with Cheshire East Council, to help shape development of the site to create a 'living campus'.
A consultation on the Royal London Development Framework finished on Friday 4th August 2017.
The reserved matters application, detailing the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the new office development can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 17/3747M. The last date for submitting comments is 31st August and a decision is expected by 20th September.
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
These people couldn't give a damn about any "consultation" responses. For them it is a painless process they must go through to legally comply to show they have "consulted".
Modern definition of both CECs & RLs consultation maxim - "We say & do what we wish you to hear BUT we do not hear what you have to say".
No doubt CECs planning officers have worked very closely with RL over many years to get to the point of jointly ignoring the public's concerns.
Local rumour has it that Royal London are looking to grab the cash and ship out- any comment?
This site already pumps hundreds of cars onto Alderley Road from their two exits at closing time which causes mayhem and is the sole cause of the huge queue of trafiic every evening coming north through the centre of Wilmslow. It is quicker to sit through three or four changes of lights than to watch RL (and rented office) traffic exit the site in front of you to get on the bypass.
Of course this site would be perfect for a new sixth form college (no other over 16 education facility for miles apart from the bursting at the seams high school) but where's the profit in that.
Are we intending to creating a parking structure, similar to the situation at the Astra Zeneca site with comparable levels of traffic - No.
Are they intending to do something about easing the congestion on the Alderley Road by changing the access point to the By-pass as was suggested last year.
Are any of the suggestions of the consultation included - No.
Are they actually intending to use this site to create more jobs, as was the reason of the outline planning permission last year - NO,
they already said they are moving the business to Ireland ( see here: http://bit.ly/2uOfwlV
In view of this, do we really need to cover this much of the site in concrete. NOPE!
Not impressed.