Who else wants to drop at least one stone of fat?


Promotional Feature

Give Greg 60 days and he will show you how to quickly firm up your stomach, drop 2 dress sizes and do it with confidence!

You will not only experience a complete body makeover, you will access your hidden focussed mind set and master your lifestyle!

Celebrity Personal Training & Lifestyle Coach, Greg Johnson is now opening the doors on an 8 week step by step system to personally take you through the precise full body training plan with all your nutrition protocol built in.

Greg (31) added "If you're looking for an intense, hardcore and happy clappy gym workout then this program is NOT for you, it's as simple as that! I'm looking for people who are really struggling to get the weight off, keep it off and are completely confused about where to start. This is more of an education to anyone that takes part and they can expect to drop over one stone at least and essentially build the foundations to continue their journey to optimum health and vitality."

To be Greg's ideal client the following needs to sound like you...

  • You need to get back on track and focus on your health to feel better about yourself.
  • You are starting to feel old, frumpy and out of shape, this is horrid and you're always becoming more aware of it.
  • You lack confidence, you feel sad when you open your wardrobe and you can't get into your clothes.
  • No amount of exercise or healthy eating is helping and it makes you feel old and fat. It's all you see when I look in the mirror.
  • You just generally feel unsexy, unattractive and sadly the more you feel this way the less inclined you are to exercise or diet... It feels like a crazy viscous circle.
  • When you dress to go out everything is generally full length and you hate wearing a bikini, it makes you feel ashamed.
  • Your love handles, wobbly arms and flabby belly just makes you want to cry when you look in the mirror and makes you feel at times "why I am bothering".
  • You finally just need to know where you're going wrong... Why you're in this position and how to get on the right track ASAP.
  • You need an exact system so you start seeing results fast and that last.
  • You need to work privately in a group and you need to know you're surrounded by people who know what you're going through.
  • You can't pretend things are going to get better and this has to stop now, you need to take massive action following a proven system.

Due to limited availability and high demand this program is apply only and you can book a FREE strategy call here.

Greg Johnson