Tennis club gets the go-ahead for retractable floodlights


A tennis club on Cumber Lane have had their second planning application to install floodlights approved.

Lindow Lawn Tennis Club has been granted permission to install six floodlight columns on two out of their three courts. The 8 metre masts will be electrically retractable after each use, retracting to 3.5 metres in height when not illuminated.

In December 2012 Cheshire East Council refused their first planning permission for floodlights on the grounds that the proposed lights would have a significant detrimental impact on the amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties due to light spillage, light glare and noise disturbance.

Lindow Tennis Club lodged an appeal against this refusal and submitted revised plans and updated light spillage tables, however Cheshire East Council dismissed the appeal on the grounds that the proposal was still considered to have a detrimental impact on the neighbouring properties.

The second application, reference 14/2498M, included the revised plans and updated light spillage tables as well as further changes designed to improve the original and appealed schemes.

The maximum hours of operation for the floodlights is from 4pm to 9.30pm Monday to Saturday and 4pm to 8.30pm on Sundays.

The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planing reference 14/2498M.

Cumber Lane, Floodlights, Lindow Lawn Tennis Club, Planning Applications